
Rebekah Ferus ∞

Ask @Rebekahseexycharmer

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{ This or That Questions } Netflix or YouTube? Phone Call or Text? Mobile Games or Console Games? New Clothes or New Phone? Rich Friend or Loyal Friend? Work Hard or Play Hard? What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes? Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store? Most important in a partner: Intelligent or Fun?

Rebekah_Tiesto’s Profile Photoz s a d ı s t ( AlphaBitch)
Neither Games
New Clothes
Loyal Friend
Play Hard
Shopping in a Store

Do you have a problem with trusting people? How do you deal with people who remember you only when they need something and forget about you when you might actually want a shoulder or a ear?

Shikharshah’s Profile PhotoShikhar shah
It's hard for me to trust people it takes a lot of them proving themselves to me for me to let them in. For those people just using me I will kick them to the curb immediately.
Liked by: Shikhar shah

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At what point does a regular peaceful citizen decide that the state has broken its own laws, oppressed the people too much, and need to be replaced by a lawful, just government?

Shikharshah’s Profile PhotoShikhar shah
I live in the US I have no control over the government unless I'm in office of some sort the only thing we have control is voting for elected officials. But even for that we have no control of that.
Liked by: Shikhar shah

Why are people faking relationships on Facebook and only posting the good things that happen to them and never the bad or the truth? If people can't be real in person/online, what good is left in this world?

Shikharshah’s Profile PhotoShikhar shah
Because no one wants to hear bad news it's depressing so posting happy ones is always much more fun and upbeat. Keep the bad things for close friends via inbox.
Liked by: Shikhar shah

If natural selection in humans has essentially ceased seeing society generally provides for less fortunate or genetically disadvantaged individuals to live full lives and procreate, does that mean that evolution in humans has effectively stopped or at least slowed dramatically?

Shikharshah’s Profile PhotoShikhar shah
It might of slowed down but if the disadvantaged are living full lives and procreating than it will catch up and actually be the same again.
Liked by: Shikhar shah

why does quicksand works slowly ?

You get stuck in it. One of the oddities in English is how the words "fast" and "quick" mean "stuck permanently."

To hold something fast is to hold it tightly and permanently. "Quick" is used to mean the same thing sometimes, especially in old-fashioned language. "Stuck fast" = "stuck quick" = "stuck permanently."

Quicksand is sand that will hold you "quick" or "fast," meaning "sand in which you will get stuck permanently."

What was the last big mistake you made?

100 percent sure these cunts are sending anons to themselves and blaming it on us. If I wanted to send you a question I wouldn't do it as anon. I'm not a coward like you. I don't care about your group we have moved on a long time and formed our own a group that actually roleplays and doesn't focus on drama while your group falls deeper into a hole. If you want attention go find it somewhere else. Word of advice move on and get a life.
What was the last big mistake you made


Language: English