
Rebekah Ferus ∞

Ask @Rebekahseexycharmer

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If you could publish a book, what would it be about? Fiction or non fiction?

xMoralCompass’s Profile Photoshe writes.
Non-fiction. It would be how to not lose a guy in 10 days. Write my experiences so others can learn from my mistakes. Maybe there is a book out there already I don't know.
Liked by: she writes.

I always wondered how do other people call their significant ones? If they use pet names or just some shorter former of their names? How do you call your lover or partner?

I call my partner/significant other/husband Jamie @Sebastianignitus hubby. He is my ginger haired laddy ❤️❤️.
I always wondered how do other people call their significant ones If they use
Liked by: ℋappyface♡

What's the best thing that's happened to you recently?

Not being sick in the last two weeks. But if anything else good comes up soon I will let you know 😀
Liked by: ℋappyface♡

Are you the type of person to candy coat anything you say or are you the type of person to come out and say anything with no regrets?

I'm not the type to sugar coated anything. I may come about abrupt but I think people should hear the truth.
Liked by: ℋappyface♡

Saddest scene/moment ?

MarissaRedford’s Profile PhotoLetitia Redford
Even though I read the books and I knew this would happen Jon Snow gets stabbed by his men. But in the book his fate is undetermined he may be even alive or warged into his direwolf Ghost. But in the show it appears he has died. I don't know why they would have Jon fight the whitewalkers and the Night's King appeared to have an eye on him. He could be the Azor Ahai that Melisandre is looking for. Also Sansa/Petyr conversations about Lyanna Stark who could be Jon's mother(R+L=J). All roads lead to him and if they killed him off it don't make sense. I hope Melisandre or someone resurrects him.
Saddest scenemoment

Favorite Roleplay OTP? Tag them, praise them.

This is not being cocky but my favorite OTP is me and my hubby Jamie @Sebastianignitus. It took us a long time to get here. We started out as acquaintances, then friends and now married. No matter what we have been through we have stuck by each other's side. Even with those stupid anons. By the way the edit below is one he made. Love you baby ❤️
Favorite Roleplay OTP Tag them praise them

A movie that should never have been made...you know there are crap loads of them out there, just choose one.

Titanic. Though i never saw it I refuse to. It is just crap xD

You're given a chance to create your own character in your favorite television show series, what is your characters personality traits and characteristics?

I think it would be cool to see the Game of Thrones character in a modern day setting but with similar traits and characteristics.


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