
Rev. Stuart Campbell

Why did Newsnight make an attempt to link Alex Salmond/the SNP and Sinn Féinn on last night's program? (That one came out of the blue.) Have they given up on the UKIP link now?

It was either a genuine attempt to highlight one of the many interesting possible outcomes of next year's election, or it was an attempt to smear him by linking him to an organisation that in many British people's eyes is still closely associated with IRA murders. As SF doesn't even attend Westminster, I'll leave it to you to decide which.

Latest answers from Rev. Stuart Campbell

Where can we hide in the now increasingly likely event of a Trump presidency?

If you start digging now there's still enough time to get a pretty decent bunker together.

Here's a thing. In the indyref we spent a lot of energy arguing that FPTP produces a 'democratic deficit'; a reason to vote yes. I think its a bit rich after that to start criticising PR at Holyrood.

Um, that's not a question. But I haven't criticised PR. I'm all in favour of PR. I'm talking about tweaking one aspect of it which wouldn't affect the proportional representation of parties at all, just the specific individuals who were elected from each party.

Who weirds you out more: literalist Bible-thumping bigots, who are ghastly but at least understand the implications of what they believe, or soppy liberal-type Christians who don't actually seem to take what they consider the "Word of God" seriously?

Well, I suppose the latter are less likely to do anyone any harm. But I suppose being hardcore in your adherence to the letter of the Bible makes more logical sense, if that's not entirely the wrong way to describe it.

The 'hope over fear' campaigning for Indie Ref 1 by definition, was about a positive campaign which arguably restrict half of your options. We lost. Next time as well as the positive messaging, should we be emphasising the many negative aspects of the UK historically, post referendum and future?

Craig Sheridan
Yes. You need a little of both.

The European Union: Remain or Leave?

Still undecided. Was firmly Remain all my life, but TTIP and what happened to Greece have severely undermined my faith. Could go either way at this point.

What will the UK government do if Holyrood blocks the fiscal framework?

There isn't a lot they can do. They'll whine about it, obviously, but that's about it.

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