@ReyJakuzure89#26 🇺🇸

Rey Lorena

How were your grades last semester? I think you mentioned that you started college.

Doing good in English Language Arts and Maths, I took that for the credits. History is kind of lame because Mesopotamia IS important but I swear it's been the number one topic in Elementary, Middle and High School 🤣

Latest answers from Rey Lorena

Home-schooled kids are mostly introverts & lacking social skills?

I don't know anyone who was homeschooled. Maybe because they're introverts and lack social skills?

Why am I still tired after taking a nap that’s at least 7 hours and even when I have caffeinated beverages afterwards, I still find myself drifting off to sleep? Does that or has that ever happened to you?

For me it's the opposite, I don't get enough sleep but don't feel tired.
Could it be sleep apnea for you? Did anyone tell you that you snore and stop breathing when you sleep?

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It doesn't matter if you Jewish christian or Muslim you all worshiping the black cube

It looks like the black cube got cancelled.

Where can I find a frickin’ decent job that pays a decent wage not slave wages? Thanks 🙏

Here are the top 10 places.
Nerdy, but that's not the Swiss flag and the Irish flag looks weird 🤣
Where can I find a frickin decent job that pays a decent wage not slave wages

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If you’re in a situationship, is it okay to see someone else? Or is that between you and the person? Lol should I ask him if I can see other people since he’s not interested in a relationship? I feel dumb for asking lol

You would feel even dumber if it turns out that he has been seeing other people while you weren't. I would just ask and be open about it. If he doesn't want the kind of relationship you want, stick to being friends.

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