@ReyJakuzure89#30 🇺🇸


Ask @ReyJakuzure89

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Which is more disgusting, A rat catcher or a sewer diver?

Is sewer diver a real job or more of a hobby?

When was the last time you were jailed? What was the reason?

The closest I was to jail was an observation room in hospital. They had a female cop make sure I didn't leave. Then they kicked me out at 3am and I didn't have money to get home 🤷‍♀️

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Does 'Murica want a Black woman for President?

The Supreme Court makes that decision, not you 🤣

Are there days when you skip working out because you showered early in the morning or the night before and don’t feel like taking a shower again so you try not to sweat too much? This is something I struggle with due to being lazy these days and because I typically shower every other day.

I know that feeling, but if I don't work out in the morning my mind stays foggy all day. I take a shower when I wake up and one after running.

ever been in trouble with the law ( if comfortable explanation)

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
I was detained in the back of a cruiser once for assaulting someone, almost arrested for intent to buy and once got the cops called on me for a welfare check.

Mental health here, mental health there & mental health everywhere. Wtf! Life is not that hard folks. Get over it….😤

Chemical imbalances in the brain have nothing to do with life being easy or hard. But you can't just make sh*t up to justify shooting pregnant women or beating your child to death.
Liked by: zander bonetti

Do you know what’s the Biggest fkng Reality show on earth? The US Government…….You’re welcome 🙏! 🙄😠😳

Season 47 is going to be the series' finale.

Do you ever imagine possible scenarios and get worked up over them, especially if it’s a bad scenario?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
That's the start of agoraphobia 😶
Yes, I do that and I try to come up with solutions to the bad scenarios to prepare myself. That's kind of the definition of "overthinking". My partner is a lot more spontaneous and we sometimes clash over my anxiety, but she always has my back when things go south. And I learn from that, I'm not as anxious as I used to be.

What’s the most absurd thing you’ve ever done to make your siblings laugh?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
My brother has a stuffed animal he really loves and for his 12th birthday I had someone make a cake that looked just like it. I also made a few custom shirts for him on Roblox and a game with giant zombies.
Liked by: Eric L

Would it make you a monster if you didn't want to spend loads of money on your pets' health?

When I took in my cat I took on the responsibility to care for him. But cats aren't humans and there's a limit to what I would put him through. I had another stray cat for a while and she had a massive tumor in her chest. I opted for the vet to drain fluids for her to be able to breathe and had her put to sleep a week later.

What do you have to do to become your own person; that is to not be influenced by your parents and environment?

Cut off all contact with your parents and move somewhere far away. I felt very lost for a while, but the person I was through my parents and my environment is gone. I didn't chose this, but it was the best thing that could have happened to me.

Hey, I am traveling to the Seattle area for a week. Planning to go to downtown Seattle, Mt Rainier and Leavenworth. Maybe Olympia and Portland. Any other recs for me? 👣 👣

Stay away from downtown Seattle!
If you're going to Leavenworth, check out the rollercoaster 🤢
I like Snohomish, Roslyn and Camano Island. If you like hiking, the Iron Horse Trail is beautiful and in my experience pretty safe. And if it's hot and you want to cool off, the Snoqualmie tunnel is 2 miles of icy darkness.

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Joe dropped out. No one is gonna vote for Kamala. RIP USA?

I read her poll numbers are already better than Biden's before he dropped out. Secession 2024 🎆

I don't know why people keep suggesting Britney Spears as possible VP. She has no experience and has made clear that she's not interested in the job.

That goes for Kamala Harris too 🤣
Liked by: Eric L

Is anything wrong with having multiple streams of income?

No, I think the more the better, as long as juggling them doesn't stress you out. And you don't have to use them, just know where to go when one source dries up.


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