@Ri120294love#23 🇺🇦

You know I'm no good

Do you act more like your mum? 👩 Or your dad? 👨 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ₮Ɇ₦₳₵łØɄ₴ ₮Ø₥₥₳Ɏ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
My parents were divorced, I hardly know my dad, but we look alike.
My mother and I were different internally, externally we were a little similar, but not much.
I rather look like my grandfather in appearance and character.
Do you act more like your mum  Or your dad
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Latest answers from You know I'm no good

Do you think it’s better to be useful or inspirational?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie Curiosity
I'm wondering if it's possible to combine them. You can be useful and inspire other people to be free and full of life.
I try not to be discouraged, although it can be very difficult to face the difficulties of life, losses, fall and get up.
Do you think its better to be useful or inspirational

What’s your idea of self care?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie Curiosity
I usually use day cream, meditate, do yoga, and try to go to bed at the same time. Nothing special really😊
Whats your idea of self care

Roughly when do you eat your various meals throughout the day? 🕔🍔

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don't have a routine, it all depends on what time I get up, but usually it's not early.
Roughly when do you eat your various meals throughout the day

доброго времени суток🔥 расскажите, где Вы отдыхали последний раз? какие впечатления от данного отдыха? и что в целом для вас есть «отдых»? может быть есть какие то планы на это лето? 😏 будет очень интересно почитать! 🌸

AnyaAkilova1’s Profile Photoᴀня.
Добрый вечер!
Последний раз отдыхала ещё в 2021 году, поехали в гости с мужем к моей близкой и единственной подруге на пару дней, после зимы (потери мамы) мне нужно было перезагрузиться, чтобы только с ума не сойти.
Было очень тяжёлое моральное состояние, не хотелось жить в то время...
Встреча с подругой помогла мне вновь набраться сил, поверить в свою внутреннюю силу, внутренний стержень.
Долгое время я плакала, а с подругой держалась, не хотела её обременять своим душевным состоянием, вспомнили маму, поговорили душевно. Было здорово.
До этого (в 2018) я была в Израиле, тот отдых вообще был великолепный, но долго описывать его😅
Этим летом, увы, не буду нигде отдыхать, сейчас вообще болею, глаз красный всё ещё, лежу в основном дома и не выхожу на улицу.
доброго времени суток

расскажите где Вы отдыхали последний раз какие

Would you rather argue with someone you love or kiss someone you don’t know?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie Curiosity
The first is better, because my husband and I rarely argue, but if we do, we always find a compromise😄👍🏻
Would you rather argue with someone you love or kiss someone you dont know

Are you more of a visual, auditorial, or kinetically inclined person?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie Curiosity
Since I have a musical education, I am more of an auditory person, in life I easily recognize familiar music and select it by ear on the piano or simply by humming a melody😌
Are you more of a visual auditorial or kinetically inclined person

What is a lesson you learned and you won’t repeat the same mistake again?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie Curiosity
Unfortunately, I gave many chances to people from the past whom I considered friends, helped them, forgave their criticism of my appearance, although they knew how unpleasant it was for me to hear. Due to low self-esteem, I held on to those who were not worthy of it. I was afraid of losing people, because I always had few friends.
As a result, those whom I forgave and considered friends severely betrayed me, spoke badly about me to other people and turned them against me so that they would turn away from me. When I felt bad, they weren't there. Now I have only one friend, I am closed now and don’t trust any people anymore.
It hurts because I didn’t value myself and allowed myself to be treated poorly, fearing loneliness.
What is a lesson you learned and you wont repeat the same mistake again

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