
Rizky Maulana

Ask @RiskyMaulanaaa

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Apa yang akan kamu sarankan untuk dicoba semua orang?

people, you dont taste that? that shit thats in your mouth. you gotta taste it cuz i smelt it as soon as you approached me. your fucking breath, you know I don't know how people breath be motherfucking stankin and they don't taste it. When you go *tastes mouth* you don't taste that little funny taste in there? You gotta taste it cause I smell a hot boiled ass porta potty coming out your fucking mouth and you sit there and say hi to people don't go *blows hard* hi, cause that's that fumes and shit coming out of there if you smoke cigarettes you should always have some kind of mint, some listertine, some listertine strips something.


im looking forward to hear "Wild remix ft.Alessia Cara", lets hope it wont tanked like this one (she deserve better than #5 at billboard hot 100 tho)

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Apakah hal yang paling kamu benci?

i used to hate every single track from ANTI and think it was a bad and boring album.
but now.. i am SHOOK, she DID that!!.

Siapa teman baikmu?

it is very sad to hear the news about orlando shooting, some of twitter stan i know who lives in orlando says that this city is one of the most tolerant city in us. why would this horrible tragedy happen to innocent people. nobody deserve to died doing what they love and being who they are. sending my hearts/prayer to all the victims and their family member there💜💛💚💙❤


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