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Perfect relationship? x

I wanna relationship that actually last for a while. Like when people are like 'What, you're still together?' I want one that only we know about, not so everyone knows our business, not even our bestfriends. I want her to accept me for who i am, and all the faults with me and the imperfections and that loves me. I would love her for all her flaws and imperfections too, because she'll just be amazing. I would want someone that can understand that i get pissed off and upset over so many things, i have a wild life, alot goes on behind closed doors and i'd be able to share that with them. Someone that i argue with, but not serious arguments, they can just look back and see why we're together and think about the good times that have happened because of our relationships and all the memories we have made together and stick around. I wanna relationship where if i needed a chat i could just go to them first, if i needed someone i'd just know i have them! Because right now, i dont have many people i can go to if i need something. I wanna realationship where we make lots of memories and we look back and be like 'all of these amazing years or months or whatever with you, i wouldnt change that for the world.' To just show everyone how happy we are with eachother, and how nobody else would be better for either of us. I wanna relationship which isnt all about the sex. I wanna be able to be with her to have movie days and nights, have cheeky spoons, fall asleep in eachothers arms, watch the stars and not be cold because we have eachother but most of all just sleep together and not have sex, just be with eachother so our skin could touch and I'd know how lucky i am. I wanna be with someone where we can just fuck off somewhere even if its shit and be happy because im with her and nobodyy else would be better! We'd do anything we wanted and not worry about a fucking thing just because we had eachother and thats all thats enough. I wanna relationship where we can play fight, have a joke about and sayy 'wanna fight' and silly things like that, just be ourselves around eachother. Just have fun. I wanna relationship where we are both honest with eachother, no secrets kept, we tell eachother everything. Whats a relationship without trust? We can talk to eachother about whatevers bothering us, and together we'd be able to sort out a soloution and be positive! I wanna relationship where nobody but us knows our problems like we wont have a silly argument and change our relationship status to single on facebook because we know we'd sort things out, cause we loved eachother. The whole world doesnt need to know, just us. I wana relationshp that is worth everything. I want one that sup for anything and will stick by me. I wanna be with someone who respects me, my thoughts, but most importantly themselves and others. I wanna be with someone who likes the same things as me, even if its not all exactly the same.

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Language: English