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I usually include my info but if u like anonymous ppl I'll be just one of them. I admire your self-confidant but you have to consider what ppl would think about u they may think u are arrogant. u may say "I don't care" but actually u should. specially for those whom around you. cheers :)

looool i dont care mnjd :p
bs thnkx for the complement anonymous :P
hmm who r u !!
Liked by: حكاية روح

anonymous :D hey...what is ur new year 2012 resolution :D?

to lose weight and get fit :p lol kidding
My new years resolutions are the same as my resolution for every day - to live my life purpose and be true to myself.
New Years resolutions are based on guilt related to the past and fear for the future - no different from the self-deprivation that goes with some religious practices around easter.
I managed to get rid of the guilt and fear, and now the sky is the limit - any day of the year. also ,,,,,

1) Relax more, worry less about…everything.
2) Quit being so hard on myself.
3) Go, explore the world, have adventures.
4) Don’t let past events harm future. :D

هل تعلم !؟ ماهو الحيوان الذي لا يشرب الماء!؟ هو الكنغر البري .. وإذا شرب الماء يموت سبحان الله. هل تعلم!؟ أيضاً ان ذكر حصان البحر يحمل ويلد .. سبحان الله .. سؤال هو :) ما هو الحيوان الذي سُميت أنثاه بـ(أم هبيرة)؟

hmm madri walla :S
Liked by: حكاية روح

هل تستطيع المرأه تغيير الرجل؟

Mohammed Mg
نعم .... تستطيع المرأه بكل تميز وجداره ان تغير الكثير والكثير من الصفات التي اعتادها الرجل

المرأة الهادئة التي لاتستعجل رؤية النتائج المحبة ذات النية البيضاء والتي تتعامل مع الرجل على أنه كيان
تؤثر فيه بإيجابية وليست متلاعبة بمشاعره أو تحاول تغييره لمصالحها وأهوائها...

أحب المثل الشائع (وراء كل رجل عظيم امرأة)

تتابع نجاحه وتشجعه وتلاحظ عيوبه وتعمل جاهده على تغييرها

lol... its 3 am now... am off to bed ...will talk to u when i wake up ... keep them questions comin' though :p... have fun anonymous...and btw gotta find new way ... many ppl as Qs now and pretend to be ur lol was fun :p

loool ok good night sweet dreams <3
when u woke up just ping me :p
hmm yeah i see :S we have to find sth else
T.C <3
Liked by: 7amudy

lol am different :p driving 2:30 am :p streets are empty ..mo zaik texting me when it is 11 am!! roads are busy

loool even though
the same thing :p
kam ybgalak tw9al !!


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