
Ruby Doulton

What's the biggest cock you've ever taken? :o

hmm hard one to answer, Ive taken hypers before, and some really big beasts, even had a go at pleasing a MAcro (though not through penetration mind!) my Old mistress cock, even reached all the way to my skull!
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Latest answers from Ruby Doulton

What would your ideal RP partner be~?

Hmm I dunno really, someone who understands the things i like and wants to do them? its about fun for both parties.

do you want tattoo? If yes, then what kind of and where? Why exactly that one and in that place/?

have 2 already but want a third and i want it ina place where i can see it, so not my back

Would you date someone who is very short or very tall? Seems like a lot of women on dating apps only want tall guys (at least 6 ft?). I'm 5'2" and I would be ok with anyone who is at least as tall as me. Someone too tall might be awkward but it's not a deal breaker 4 me. 🤔

kate4882’s Profile PhotoKate N
I dont really care, love is love at the end of the day height has nothing to do with that

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