

Ask @Saachi3

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Saachi ignore kar aese logo ko jo 1 ladki se aese dumb questions poochhte hai.. HATERS R ALWAYS DERE.... BT THEY CAN JUST FORCE US. ONLY V R D ONES WHO DESTORY OUR LIVES BY BELIEVING ON THEM... SO JUST IGNORE... vasse bhi u know dat u r d best.;)

Why do i think u are who i think u are. Anyways, come off love♡

Hey! Saachi i like you alot. You are extremely gorgeous and sweet so i just want to talk to you so can you do me a favor give me your number on personal chat please! ☺️😁😃

Okayyy. But for that you gotta let me know who u are :)
Liked by: Bunny*_* ANGEL

How r u so cute....... u know i always gets attracted by u..... idk how 2 get back 2 my bachelor's life nd leave u behind! Dats still a problem... anyways i will always dere 4 u... ik dat u don't know who am i bt still.....


Okay so take it this way if i you say so if lemme know if you can go on a date with me! I'll tell you my name!

Ok, I will (if i know you) now come off
Liked by: Himanshu Somani


Language: English