

Ask @Sammikinze

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what is one thing you have learned about being in love?

eve helps a lot
why is ..... so important?
why do you want him back so bad?
he didn't treat you very well but you still want him?
its like your walking into a bad situation and you know you are.
sometimes you seem really desperate for him that its sad to look and talk about. i dont like how you beg for him. because honest no offense it doesnt look like hes coming back..hes gone..hes moved on.. and your stuck in that love bubble but his popped already.. i dont want to lie and say you'll be fine. Because honestly you wont be fine. atleast not right now. you'll be okay someday just wait and see. but for now..you need to delete all his shit and block his number because he isnt a part of you anymore... i hate seeing you be sad over an idiotic boy who was trying to change something about you that you can't change because thats who you are. and if he doesnt like you for that he doesnt deserve you. you dont need to have a boyfriend. you dont need to have a thing with somebody. You need a break from boys. you need a break from love because its tearing you apart inside and i can tell everytime we hangout the emptyness in your eyes. and how when someone talks about love you smile and you close your eyes and you get into your mind and your mind starts to think about .... and it needs to start thinking about something else. ..... isnt the world..and he sure as hell isnt your life. your so xaught up in boys and .... you arent living your life. im very sorry that he broke up with you. but that shit happens its life people get hurt and eventually move on.. you will move on. and you will be happy even if its the last thing i do for you.. before i do anything. because seeing you happy makes me happy . seeing all my friends happy make me happy. so please just do what you have to..to forget about ..... he doesnt deserve you. and you need to get it through your head that he doesnt feel the way he used to. and you shouldnt feel that way anymore.

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