
Sarah Farkas

Ask @SarahLynn2001

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What's the best April Fools' Day prank you've ever witnessed?

i wasnt there but i saw something that was an april fools mairage proposal

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Is it better to be loved or feared?

love because love gets you to great places. fear tends to hold you back from great things. deep ik.. lol

@regaljoe asks, "What item from your childhood do you wish you could find again?"

i lost some things from my old house so those. one of them was my polar bear stuffed animal, i had it forever so itd be nice to see it again

Happy New Year! Do you have any resolutions?

I want to try to be happy. stuff happens but i want to try to keep myself positive this year

How do you plan to ring in the New Year?

im having a couple friends over to celebrate new years. and for the new year i just want to live life to the fullest ig
Liked by: Julia Lenz


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