

Ask @Sarahlefebvre17

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Are you a better talker or listener?

When someone wants me to listen, I will listen and help them out, unless its my brother. Aha. And I'm a good talker too...?

Have you ever saved someone's life?

Idk but I know people have saved my life. Mostly my best friends like Robyn, Stephanie, Kyle, Sydney, cassie, Marie, Abbi, Bayley, Nikki, and others. Even when they said no Sarah I think your beautiful, it actually makes me feel better. I don't know if they realize it but I love them. All of them. They made me the person I am today, and saved me from the person I was turning into. I love them, with all my heart <3 an km thankful to have them :)
Liked by: Marie the Mudkip

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If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

i would want food and internet (that counts as one) and i would want to bring my bestfriends <33333

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

Cuz some people choose to pick on people. They get people to gang up on them just to make them feel like crap. Some people don't take it to heart. See I'm different. If someone calls me a name I actually find it pree funny so I just fight back. But there is certain things that I do take to heart. Like 99.9 percent of the time i don't care and I just laugh it off but that 1% is the one that can make me break out into tears. One of the teachers at HT said something completely rude and unnessisary but it was one of the things that I do take to heart and now every time I see him I picture and angry gorilla with a chainsaw cutting off his head. There's also some people that if they say something sweet I will cry because they're not just any friend. That person was like one that practically saved my life. So yea I could write forever but I'm lazy so yea

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How often do you listen to the radio? What is your favorite radio station?

A lot. And idk 94.7, 105.3, and pretty much all the others are Frenchhhhhhhh

What's the last thing that made you cry?

Aha well I almost cried when I stepped on a button -.- but I last night. Like happy tears. Cuz someone sent me a msg, and it legit made my life. I went from being sad and depressed to being happy again. Idk how that person does it but every time I talk to them I'm happy. And I'm thankful to have a best friend like that <3
Liked by: Sydney✨

ok if you could relive grade 7 but add different people to your class and get rid of some who would you add or get rid of? and what would you change in that year? :)

ummm... i would get rid of zack st.p and pretty much most of the boys except caleb, seb, sam and ryan, czu theyre my friends. um i would probably keep most of the girls except one and imma not say ;) but she doesnt have ask.fm but stillllllll i dont want to start drama. i would add to my class kyle, stephanie, cassie and her friendboy zack so she would be happy. i would add bayley and abbi and nikki and sarah H so robyn would have her to hang out with :) ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk i can't think of anyone else, i probably forgot some but oh well ;) sorry if i forgot you and your like one of my best friends xD

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Liked by: robynღ

Are you frustrated right now?

Liked by: robynღ

What's something your trying to figure out right now??

How to add my profile pic off my iPod. Help meeeee D:

Honest opinion?

I love you <3333 aha we fight over the stupidest things and say stuff that isn't true and then laugh about it ;) ummm I would type more but you just sent me a voice message so yea imma go see itttt :D <3
Liked by: Sydney✨

fuck I didn't finish that last one oh well you get the point, you don't deserve to be hated on an sorry if I came on too strong I was just trying to let you know

ok thanks

no,obviously you shouldn't kill yourself and no I'm not trying to'push you farther'and I also never said I did know you I'm just trying to tell you that what you said was wrong and you shouldn't speak to people that way as they could have taken it wrong.you don't deserve to be hated but you also

he started it with me. hes not even part of it and hes just being rude. dont you think im getting enough crap right now? seriously. we say wrong things, life goes on.

do you think sydney is pretty?

well anon, sydney is gorgous. she's way prettier than me. but why would you, or her care? noone cares what i think.
Liked by: Sydney✨

honestly Sarah telling zack that you wish he gets hit by a train was a little too far. I can see that yous are obviously not friends at the moment but I mean come on dude grow up. Wishing death upon another person is a whole other type of low and it's not funny whatsoever.

its not death, he started it. and really? hes sending hate to me. so yea. leave me alone.

You and Sydney should just make up. You were good friends before.

No. I fucking hate zack so blame that asshole. Same with Sydney and all of her other little "friends" I hate them. With all of my heart. All of it.

Look people, Sarah doesn't deserve this much hate, like 5 people are ganging up on her, your just wasting your time hating on her. Personally I don't like Sydney but I'm not sending her hate or anything. LIKE EVERYONE CALM YOUR FREAKING TITS. Even Zack. LIKE STOP GANGING UP ON SARAH. -Mudkip

Marie the Mudkip
Lol thanks Marie. See you're a true friend :)
Liked by: Marie the Mudkip

I love ssing my name all over your wall. thanks.

Sydney Leger
Np. People ask me a question, I answer it. I'm not a little baby that ignores questions like you do.


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