

Ask @Sarahlefebvre17

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If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

It would be to not be her friend. And to not break up with him.

If someone made a statue of you, what position would you choose?

Idk. I would want it to not be me though. I think if someone would want to make a statue of me I would say no. Make one that says the name "Karlie" why? Cuz she beat a very rare cancer, at the age 18. So I think she deserves so much. I love her and I'm so proud <3
Liked by: Marie the Mudkip

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If you had lots of money what would you do with it?

Probably give some to hobos and donate some to charity and stuff. Then go and buy stuffs

What is the thing you hate the most?

LOL. Uhm well it's between Justin timerlake or.......someone that gave me all the reasons to hate them. So that's exactly what I did
Liked by: Sydney Leger

What do you see when you look in a mirror?

K well here's a little poem.
Mirror mirror.
Mirror mirror on my wall,
I just want to be pretty, thin and tall.
Mirror mirror if I change my hair,
Maybe someone will start to care.
Mirror mirror if I starve myself,
At least I'll be skinny, forget my health.
Mirror mirror if I cut my wrist,
Will I feel like I exist?
Mirror mirror don't you see?
What you show if ruining me?
~the mirror had watched her suffer for too long, so it decided to reply~
Mirror:what you think you see, it isn't true. The Beauty is found inside of you. Don't lock yourself in a broken soul, or I promise you one day, you'll lose all control...
K well basically I see someone starting back at me, just as puzzled as I am. Wondering if I'm pretty or not.

Friends you love and friends you wish never were your friend? :) oh and opinion on Sydney? Since I guess you don't like her? Idk. . .

K since I have so worst memory, here.
So I think it was
1) friends you love
2) friends you wish you never were friends with
3) opinion on Sydney
K well 1. Aw all of them <33 they are always there for me :*
2) lol.
3) lol. Really? People are so curious these days aha. Well she overreacts a lot. Holy crap LOL. And well I thought she was my friend but I had this certain feeling at the begging of the year about her. And I should've went with my gut. I really regret being her friend. She treats me like crap all the time. After I help her with stuff. Like fixing her iPod. And then she goes behind my back and talks crap about me. I have so many other friends that actually treat me good and that are there for me. So I don't need to waste time on the ones that ruin your days. I hate that I was her friend. Or "bestie". So please sweetie, don't make the mistake I did. I truly thought she was there for me, then she turns around and proves me wrong. But think of it this way; I'm on the edge of a Clift, about to jump. And Bayley and Abbi and Marie and Cassie and stephy and Kyle and Karlie and all my other friends were holding me back, Sydney was there too, but at the same time she was trying to push me off, so my friends told me they don't like her, and I fought back, but I shouldn't have. I really shouldn't have. Cuz they are my true friends. Look if you really wanna know msg. But for now all I can say is that I loved her, and now I don't. Cuz she gave me all the reasons not too. Don't waste my time, cuz I'm not afraid to turn around and end a friendship. And that's all. So uh ya. Bye bye ;) xx

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Liked by: Sydney Leger

Who is the number one person you hate? And why?

Oh well um I'm pree sure who this is aha. And right now I'm supposed to "f off" and leave someone alone. So yea. But anywho not tryna be mean but hate is a big word, and well that person gives the definition. Lets leave it at that :) .

On a scale of 1 to 10 how “cool” are you?

90282662928271525538297252427938155284825283917226 lol only cuz I was in my pool and it's cold

Top ten people you hate?

1) that annoying bitch
2) that annoying bitch
3) that annoying bitch
4) that annoying bitch
5) that annoying bitch
6) that annoying bitch
7) that annoying bitch
8) that annoying dude
9) that annoying porcupine
10) that annoying monster under my foot

What do you think about Kyle?

Um aha who's this? XD well sure why not. I think he's a really nice and sweet guy. He was the best boyfriend I ever had and shouldn't have let him go ✌I could go on for hours but if you really wanna know msg ok fb xo
Liked by: Marie the Mudkip

Sarah, you are absolutely beautiful, and you are definitely wanted by many. You are also very nice. Please don't think like that. I understand what it's like to have low self esteem and to not like yourself very much and it isn't fun and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, try to be positive! Love you<3

Aw thanks Robyn <3 I love you :)
Liked by: robynღ

If you were famous what would you be famous for?

Being the worlds most ugly person. Or unwanted or rude or stupid. Or soccer. Idk


Language: English