

Ask @Savvanna112

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Which three countries do you want to visit next?

Don't know. Dot care. I just want to go to Ireland. That made no sense. Don't care.

Since you won't admit you are ticklish on your feet we are going to have to tickle your belly, waist, and armpits


Why say no? Are you lying to me? You better not be. Admit your feet are ticklish and I won't tickle you

Who is this!

yeah mine is just the same. when friends notice mine they always tell me it's weird but cute lol. i can also press around the outie part so it comes out a little and grab it like a full outie kinda.. Lol that must sound strange. can you do the same with yours?

Idk lol

someone else with an outie! i always feel like i'm the only one lol.. is yours fully out from the stomach? or like an outie inside an innie kinda? Lol it's weird to even describe this.. did you ever get comments about yours?

It's an incaved outie


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