

Ask @Savvanna112

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Do you like making friends and is it hard to become friends with you?

I love making friends and no not at all

Is it difficult for you to make friends sometimes?

Not really, but there's like certain people that I just try to avoid lol

Do you know any jobs hiring and pacifically hours during weekdays?❤️

Get indeed jobs it's an app

i got you on snapchat but are you single

How do you have me on snapchat!?!?!!? And no I'm not sorry

Thoughts on Alberta fire?

It's terrible, my dad is currently up there doing emergency services because he's with the RCMP so he's still helping evacuate people, my uncle and aunt lost all of their stuff my dads trailer is gone and possibly his house, the house I grew up in in Fort Mac is gone and it's just horrible. Just hoping for all my family and childhood friends stay safe ❤️
#StayStrongAlberta #AlbertaStrong


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