
Sean R. Alhadi

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org famous di dunia nyata yg lu follow siapa?

AinunNisa_11’s Profile PhotoNur Ainunnisa Mansur
Random aja sih yah, ada yg famous ada yg engga
- gue follow : @vanillaskyposh @shellaaudini @ichamelia @tiaatriani @nisrinaicha @netaav @syafirakml krn mereka tinggal diluar negeri dan menurut gue ksh info bgt, cantik2 jg, smart, open minded walaupun gue engga kenal ma mereka but gue seneng stalking mereka hampir tiap hari buka ask.fm cuman buat stalking doang :v *tbh, buat @netaav pls unblock gue, gue minta maaf.
- gue follow : @fasyaridla @emilydevitaj krn mereka cantik bgt wkwk
- gue follow : @korshuneva @rachelvennya krn mereka tu enteng bgt nanggepin haters apapun yg dblg haters mereka ladenin kek spontanitas gth gue suka bgt dan jg cantik jg
- gue follow : @audreyteguh krn sumpah demi apapun ini org baik bgt walaupun engga kenal, engga pernah deh nemu ans marah2, storynya engga nanggung, foto2nya cantik smart bgt njir cwe idaman pisan ini mah
- gue follow : @ananda0411 ma @okinnn bkn berarti gue gay yeh, gue follow mereka ya krn buat yg 1 di si aziz buat stalk si em :v dan yg okin tu nanggepin hatersnya
pokoknya gue doyan stalking bgt mereka ampir tiap buka ask.fm stalking mereka, doyan aje baca apalg malem buat bad time stories keknya :v
sorry panjang, sorry lebay, sorry alay. Maafkan

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pap quotes

kifit’s Profile Photoriizkifit.
Thanks mom for the inspirations of this quotes.
Life is living, not surviving.
Life is finding meaning, not wandering foolishly.
Life is embracing whatever you stumble upon, not just craving to be happy.
Life is just life, not all the shit you suppose it to be.
Life is about responsibility, accountability, and living it with conscience.
Life is taking the best of all that happens, and coping the best you can with the bad.
Helping others and being needed not ignored. Caring and loving others. Trying to do better, finding passion in life, having empathy with others on this earth, achieving something.. anything. Giving life if Allah wills and if not loving others who can. Life isn't easy but its a gift to treasure not squander. No rules except your own. Thanks mom for everything you've done for me, to make me happy.

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