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hi , i've got a very big proplem 😞 please i want you to help me solve it 😃

I'm here to help you! Tell me about that problem❤️

How can i get over my problems? :(

"If u want to get over a problem stop talking about it. Your mind affects your mouth, and your mouth affects your mind! It's difficult to stop talking about a situation until you stop thinking about it -Joyce Meyer"
Or just tell me what's wrong and we'll solve each and every problem❤️ stay strong😊

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استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه 😊 اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا محمد 😊😊😊

و المجد للآب و الابن و الروح القدس، اله واحد آمين😊😊
Liked by: Ally Amart

not really everyone keeps dying so, I can't change that

Oh i'm sorry for your losses😞 But you should believe that your future is ahead and you should prepare for it, so forget the past and pray so you can be patient and strong enough to overpass your life's problems❤️

life just gets worse, never better...

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. Just avoid fake friends, avoid problems and everything that can make u unhappy.. And then you'll find that life's a great gift😁

the problem is that no one comes back soon, forever alone sign

If she won't come back, i believe that she will be the loser.
It's fine to be free for a while👻
{no relationship = no problem}

do I avenge myself?

No! But if she likes another type of guys you can't force her to love you.. May be this can be a sign to show you that you were't meant to be together,, if she loves you she will come back soon👐🏻

my girl ditched me and I don't know what to do, she left me because I am a nice guy, because her style is fun cool boys, not nice boring ones, how should I react?

Most important thing: Never change to please someone! Let her know that you're comfortable and happy even without her✋

I hope she won't slap me

Haha😂 if she really loves you, she won't slap you.. Approach slowly and wait for her reaction then kiss her

Hello helper. Please advise me on how to tell my gf I want to give her the first kiss but I am worried

Hii 🙋🏼 don't tell her! If you're certain that she loves you, wait for the perfect moment, tell her that you love her and kiss her 😻

I am always searching for true love, but I am always stuck

I found this quote.. It may help you😄


Language: English