
Here To Help You :)

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someone is hating on me what should i do?

Heyy dear, first of all you should know that if someone hates you, s/he could be jealous of you.. So you don't have to think that you're a bad person and for this reason s/he hates you..
Second of all, i think that you don't have to do anything. If this person doesn't like you, let him go.. And never change to please anyone🙆🏼❤️

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why do uh want to help people?

Cz i want to spread happiness,, i know there are a lot of people who need help, but unfortunately there's no one beside them, helping them.. So i'm here to help everyone who needs anything😊❤️
Liked by: Verns :*

advice and a quote please

Advice : Never stop smiling because you never know who's falling in love with it 😄❤️

amazing page ❤ but you need some support but amazing keep going ❤❤❤❤

Thankss a lott😻 much love❤️❤️
Liked by: soph

Anytime <3 I wish you the best & if I get any better ideas I will for sure let you know x

Thanks dear❤️ God bless uu
Liked by: A.S

Look I guess you should make an account on twitter and instagram then link both with ask fm. Instagram can be used to post quotes and nice helpful stuff for people, and twitter would be good for the same aim I guess. Also try to spread your ask page everywhere to make it reach everyone :)

Why not👌🏻 thanks for this helpful idea ❤️
Liked by: A.S

What are you future plans to improve your account for helping people?

Actually i don't have any😶
If you can give me some ideas i'd be so thankful😄
Liked by: A.S

You really do. No one is perfect and you every person has his/her own pros & cons, but I believe that trying to be perfect makes people so you this way however how many bad things you might have in your personality. Cheers & keep up the love <3

I'm speechless, i really appreciate what you said! Thank you so much amazing anon❤️
Liked by: A.S

I would invite you to a dinner because you're an amazing person with a great soul and you deserve all the best because you make people happy & give them hope in their lives.

That's so sweet!! I really don't deserve that❤️ God bless u anon!!
Liked by: A.S

Thank you so much for your help ♡. I really appreciate it and I also appreciate the fact that you take out time just to help others. May God bless you and give you a long life ♥♥

Anytime dear❤️ i'm here to help you, and thank you so much for these touching words! God bless you too❤️ much love

I live in Karachi Pakistan, aren't there any natural remedies to remove hair?

I found this... Try these masks👈🏻👈🏻

heyy, I can't get hair tongs. they aren't available in my part of the world. but dying the excess eye brow hair wouldn't really fix its shape. what to do? thanks for your help. I really appreciate it:)

Where do you live? 😕 you can buy it online if you want


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