

Thank you for being you. How do you smile through all the shit you've seemingly went through?

Because you have a choice. I can choose to let my depression and all my other things overwhelm me (and yea, there are days that I don't get out of bed) but I'm learning every day. I'm not trying to bypass my bipolar, but taking a step back and breathing helps a lot in my pursuit for happiness.
I remember wishing for someone who can relate to all my shit.
I speak because otherwise, who else would? Best wishes, friend. <3

Latest answers from Shappi

Are you dating anyone?

Depends on your definition of dating. I'm enjoying a few flings here and there. :) I'm loved. I'm happy.

Do you ever wish you had a button that would turn off the internet for all of the creepers who believe that your public existence entitles them to friendship - or more?

They have a right to exist on this earth.
I have a right to block and protect myself.

What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

I have a lot of anxiety. Every word I speak is fighting with my anxiety.

Language: English