

Ask @ShashaShana

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Do/did you have secret admirer? Korang layan tak?

I wish I have one; someone who always put an effort to get to know me & stalk my social media 😂

Bila dia delete nombor, apa petandanya?

You're not part of their life or their phone doesn't refresh the contact. It happens to me too due to low memory, need to refresh manually😂

kenapa kita boleh jatuh hati pada orang yang kita tolak pada awalnya. is this kurma

Hati kan berbolak balik & kurma tu yg makan masa berbuka

Do u every post shoutout and expect a particular person to answer it?

I don't even know anyone on this apps

Welp i finally got a job:D it didn't oay much but at least i got one right

Yeah, at least you got new experience

No matter how good you are, you are still replaceable.

Yes, of course but we're replaceable for someone who don't even know the word "appreciate"

Okayyy guysss nak tanya pendapat korang. After dah habis belajar zaman uni and tak jumpaaa jugakk partner.. Mana lagi possibility utk jumpaaa someoneeee newww. (except dating apps) nak dengar pendapat

Tempat kerja maybe?

Apa yg korang Akan buat if semua org pandang rendah kat korang?. Even dh achieve something big pun org tetap pandang sebelah mata.

Biar je org tu nk pandang apa. You do what do you want to. Kita tak hidup atas kata² org ok!!

there's one woman, confessed to me her feelings after some time.. but just because I can't commit to chat her constantly, she unfriend me for 2nd time😓 whatt.. do i need to add her fb back? or just continue my life as usual.

If you like her, then make an effort. If you don't, please don't ever give a hope!


Language: English