

Ask @ShelbyMariexx

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matt thomas. no more mails

No YOU are the twat, the one who's on anon sending shit insults around probably to make yourself feel better about yourself you inconsiderate arsehole, jealousy really is a bitch, BYE

cant come off anon.

So you're gonna hide behind a screen on anon throwing insults about thinking it will bother me? ha! nice one mate.

you like saying laugh my arse off. well your arse has come off and gone where your face used to be.

Aw babe, are you going to come off anon? and show everyone one of your many faces?
Two faced arsehole.

hello slag

Lmao that isnt even a question, but yeah whatever I don't know why it concerns you if I was anyway haha
thanks anon.

here we go. pay someone a compliment and they get all suspicious. what bit of alan robinson didnt you understand?


A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first, the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird? :P <3

Why would there be a banana in a coconut tree?:L


Language: English