

Ask @ShelbyMariexx

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what do u think of emma slater

She's an alright girl known her since first school used to talk to her loads but only talk to her in maths now.

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why play hard to get

I don't see how I'm 'playing hard to get' but think what you like because I don't give a fuck:D

yu are a player look at how many boys yu talk 2

It don't make me a player just because I talk to a few boys..

what do u think of harley turner

He's alright.. Used to talk to him loads when we was little kids, he probably can't even remember, we don't even talk now unless he wants to ask me something in maths:L.

last kiss

Haha,cant say cause that someone has a girlfriend, he cheated on her, would it be mean if i named and shamed him?


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