

views on krishna

You mean views on my life, right?
It's gonna be a fucking long one. Okay?
So, we first became friends in 4th standard.
Till date we're together❤
We can't be seperated. Never.
She's one gem of a person. She's gonna handle all your tantrums, all your drama, EVERYTHING.
She's so chill.
And her physique❤
She's my woman crush.
She's my bad habit.
A day without her text and I'm dead.
We both have same phones, same college, same class, same choices. Everyfuckingthing same.
We love each other more than Romeo loved Juliet. Haha.
We both just can't do without each other.
She's gonna keep your secrets safe.
I so fucking love her.
We've had fights. A hell lot of.
But we always fell for each other more.
A week, Yes, A week, And that's the longest we can be without each other. FUCK.
I can write a whole book on her. She's so amazing.
She's the best thing that can ever happen to anybody.
We do crazy stuffs. No one can ever imagine.
If she comes down to become a bitch, she's the worst one you'll ever come across in your entire fucking life. Otherwise, she's the best thing one could ever have.
We're more than soulsisters, Biological sisters, Best friends, blah blah.
She's a part of me, I can't even think of losing again.
She is fucking important.
The next person important to my Parents is HER❤
Yes, I'd even die if she says❤
Anything and everything for her.
We're gonna be together till our last breath.
Hurt me, I'll let larma do the work. But, hurt her, I BECOME karma.
Better stay away from Her.
She's MINE. ONLY MINE. ❤❤❤✌
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Latest answers from Shivani✨

Hey, we don't know each other but your post caught my eye and I ended up reading most of ur answers You are undoubtedly beautiful, but what matters more is that your heart is more beautiful and your answers are gr8 <3 Wish we could be friends. People like you are rare and invaluable nowadays


Language: English