

Ask @ShougAE

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Your favorite curse word ? C'mon we all have one ?

I have plentyyyy of favorite curse words. XD
-Shit, fucking nibblets, shit.

You should post the answers on twitter they are so wise

ولا تزعلون. But I'm bot sure about the wise part.

Your opinion about braces

I didn't know I'm supposed to have an opinion on braces. I mean, they are removable so what's the point on having an opinion on it? Right? ?

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But by friend , i mean some one to talk to , Like do you think its healthy for someone to stop talking about their feelings

Look, I'm one of those people. And honestly, it's okay to bottle up your feelings unless you need to blurt it out because sometimes it's too hard. You don't know if they already have a friend to talk to.
And no, it's not healthy. But that's just how they are.

Do you think that there is a problem if some one is in college but he/she don't have any friends?

No! Not at all! They just like their distance and they're picky about who they deal with. So I understand that.

Your Definition of a jerk

I still haven't figured that out yet. There are just too many defintions of jerks in the world.

How do you know the difference between emotions , like loving or liking ?

Honey, one must know the differencd between a squish and a crush.
A squish = Is a feeling you get when you like someone but without romantic feels. It's like you're interested in being friends and just friends.
A crush = is a feeling that involved romantic emotions which will lead you into liking the person.
When it comes to love.... Love is not an easy word to use. It's dangerous. In my opinion, love does not occur unless you're like 30-35 or something because at the age you are well-aware of your emotions and how to define them.

Something that changed your life

Joining KISR.
Reading certain books that made me change my point of views which lead to changing my life.

When dealing with a man , what are the do`s and don't s

Well, generally just be respectful and show boundries and don't get too comfortable unless it's safe to do so.

In your opinion , what are the most important Qualities in a friend ?

A friend must be honest, understanding, and I don't know just ... They gotta do their best in keeping the friendship going.

What is your favorite kind of movies

I really love sad, romantic, comedy, action, sci-fi, and so and so. But I REALLY HATE HORROR MOVIES.

Can two people build a successful life together if there was a difference between them in education level? And will you ever tie your self with someone who is less educated than you ?

Well, it could be possible. I mean, both sides could benefit from each other's background of information so why not? A plan could made for both sides based on their abilities.
I don't really care about the other person's educational level. I mostly care about their intelligence and their capability of understanding and their general knowledge. But if the person that is less educated refuses to learn more, then no, I wouldn't tie myself to them.

What can you do to make this world a better place?

This world is hopeless. There's nothing left to save but ourselves.

What's one thing you think everyone should do every day?

Pray on time and read at least one page from the Qura'an.

If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

I'd place it on my wrist.


Language: English