

Ask @ShougAE

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Do you think the line between being rude and funny is thin? What about rude and spontaneous?

Yes, I do think there's a thin line with being rude and funny because you have mind and you should know how to choose your jokes.
But being spontaneous is a natural tendecy. I don't think it has anything to do with rudeness because we were born with some spontaneity and it sort of died in most of us while growing up.

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What was your favorite toy as a child?

My Molly Doll. She was chubby and had brown curls, i miss her.

What would you do if you woke up and all the other people were gone?

I'd say حمدلله. And then wait for my turn to leave this life.

Why you're so sweet?❤️

Because of the amount of chocolate I eat. No? Okay.
Well, you're sweet as well ?

In three words, how would you describe your best friend?

Honest, funny and sometimes aggressive.

What makes you feel proud of yourself?

Accomplishing something that I used to have difficulty with.

What are you planing for after graduating?

To be honest? I'm thinking of doing a marvel or Harry Potter marathon. That's like the only plan I thought of.

Will you going to miss school days?

Are you*
I'm pretty sure that i'm gonna miss it in the beginning then it's gonna be like "What is high school?"

How did people have fun 200 years ago?

Ask the people that were around 200 years ago?
Oh wait, they're either dead or dead.

Is love complicated? Why?

Love is meaningless and it's only complicated because we think too much about it thinking it's such a huge thing when it's just stupid. Plus, we allow our emotions to ruin it, so i guess that's why someone would ask if it's complicated.

What is your idea of perfect relaxation?

Going to the park with a good book or laying on the grass or playing with the sings.


Language: English