

Ask @ShougAE

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If you could witness any historical moment, which one would it be?

When Martin L. King gave the "i have a dream" speech.
The invention of the typewriter
Liked by: Legendary

What do you do in KISR? and do you recomend joining it? If so, then how can i?

It's this summer course where you'll learn a lot in the section you chose and the wonderful lectures that goes on in the institute, have lots of fun during the field trips and also along with the friends you'll be making and i don't how else to describe *if you wanna know more, youtube it or check it on instagram or something* .. Yes i highly recommend it, it helps you know what your options are. Well, you're gonna have to sign up next summer cuz it's gonna be over on thursday *breaks into a sad face*
Liked by: Legendary

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Something you hate about yourself?

I don't know when to keep my mouth shut and i don't give more than 2 chances unless i really cared about the person.
And the list goes on but better keep them in silence.
Liked by: Legendary

5 things you did in the summer

1. Read
2. Watched and re-watched a lot of movies
3. More reading
4. Catching up with my friends
5. Joined KISR.
Liked by: Legendary

What was the worst age you’ve had so far?

Since i'm just a 16 year old. I guess the worse age would 10 and 12.

ما تحبتيني ؟ -.-

Sami Chan :3
يا روكي يعني جم مره نقولج لا تتحجين بالالغاز.
No, i don't love you.. My adoreness towards you is too big for love to comprehend.
Liked by: Sami Chan :3

Interesting. I do feel like that sometimes, actually. but if you said "something" then there has to be something.

Well, something doesn't have to necessarily mean "something". Or it could be an oblivious/anonymous something that our minds can't process so... that could be the reason why we don't know what we're looking forward to.


Language: English