

Ask @SirAhSyrup

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What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

I'm sorta maybe kinda a little bit insane...in a good way. I'm also sorta maybe perverted. And I possess the most twisted humor ever. :$

If you could be invisible, what would you do?

I would...become aerodynamic as well and proceed to fly around and spy on people :3

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

First of all, everyone receives bull. Do not think your life is harder than everyone else because it all adds up in the same way. Some people, like me, just choose to remember that there are wonderful things in life, so on the surface it seems like we have nothing wrong. That's not true. Everyone has good and bad days, and I honestly think Life hates me. Does that mean I would cut or kill myself? Hell. No. Definitely not. Some people enjoy life more because they see the good things as well as the bad things.

What did you forget to do today?

Wake up.....I was up until 1, though, and school has deprived me of sleep. No judgement e.e

If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Ravioli, Sour Patch Kids, Porcupine Meatballs*.
*my mom makes that, its meat and rice rolled into a meatball. De-lic-i-oso.

What do you look for in a guy?

He has to like music, won't give me shit about the bands I like, funny and smart, the usual...
But he obviously has to put up with my insanity and twisted humor... x)

Do you prefer talking or texting?

Um I don't have a phone so I'll just translate 'texting' in normal-people-speak to 'IMing on Skype' in socially inept-ese, my native language. I like to talk a lot but I'm also texting/IMing my friends all the time soz Idk :D

Guess whooooo

I would guess Nicole but she's already done this..so if it is Nicole, YOU'RE BEING REPETITIVE :0 if it isn't Nicole, you have to give me more to go on than "Guess whoooo".

First bf

Christopher Kuzaj or something like that? I forget how to spell his last name. He is my best friend's mom's boyfriend's son who I met once. Yeah, that didn't work out :/ it was in February and we went out for under two weeks. ._.

Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?

Heart broken :/ If I'm worth anything at all to a guy, I'm his second choice. Isn't love just wonderfulllll? :3


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