

U think Toonami will expand to 10pm in February? And do u think FLCL 2 will premiere later than March?

I think they might expand to 10pm in February. As for FLCL 2, that might be ready by March or might not air till late Spring or Summer. There’s really no telling.

Latest answers from Sketch

Do you think putting Gundam AGE on Toonami will help out the block with ratings?

Nope. That’s not a North American dub either so let’s just never suggest that again.

what the hell happened to that Adult Swim jr tease back last fall from the network? (It said it'll be announced in the spring of this yr!)

Most likely it was just a joke

When YouTube creators put full episode/movie reactions behind a Patreon firewall, isn't that a version of piracy?

You mean a commentary over an entire copyrighted video? That’s exceeding fair use especially if it’s paid. The commentary by itself is fair game. RiffTrax as one example.

Does Hulu still have the rights to Sailor moon Crystal? Could toonami finally air it this yr? (MHA has gotten free of hulu recently)

It’s definitely still on Hulu and probably still under the exclusive contract but there’s really no way to be certain.

you think aot season 3 will get the simuldub (tokyo ghoul, mha) treatment this yr and premiere first week of july? or more like july 21?

It might actually premiere the first Saturday in July but it’s more likely for July 21st.

Toonami is hard pressed to keep the Dragon Ball hour going, no matter what. Toonami will never break apart DBZ Kai and DB Super for any reason even if Kai is ending 3 weeks after flcl airs, they did the same nonsense to attack on titan last yr which blew my mind how aggravating that was.

I still don’t think airing after two DB series hurt AoT in the slightest.

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