
Skylar Matterin

Ask @SkyeMatterin_

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What do you avoid writing here?

/ personal things usually, like anything going on with me ooc usually stays off of her since I don’t like to talk about how I’m feeling with people, I prefer to bottle it up or speak to someone like my mum or an extremely close friend - I’m fairly open, I’ve said one or two things about me on here before when giving a point but that’s probably it. There’s just some things I wouldn’t write and somethings I would.
What do you avoid writing here

/ Just ship whatever you wanna ship. Srslyyy, loving something is never a bad thing.

RoisinHill_xo’s Profile PhotoRoisin Hill
/ thanks darling. It bothers me that people feel it’s necessary to shit on other people’s ships, like it’s really not affecting them. If you ship something, that’s chill, if people don’t agree that’s also chill. I’m not interested in ship wars and stuff like that ;D so, I agree with you a hundred percent!
Just ship whatever you wanna ship Srslyyy loving something is never a bad thing
+3 answers in: “/ girl, jeronica is my guilty pleasure. xD though I'm a major varchie fan.”

Get yourself together. Ronnie and Jug are not gonna happen. Sorry.

/ Jesus, chill out. It’s a damn ship. It’s not like it’s the end of the world. I wasn’t aware that my ships meant so much to you that you actually stopped your life to write this. I’m just more of a Sprousehart shipper than a bughead shipper, but I’ve stopped watching Riverdale so I don’t give much of a toss.
Get yourself together Ronnie and Jug are not gonna happen Sorry
+3 answers in: “/ girl, jeronica is my guilty pleasure. xD though I'm a major varchie fan.”

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/ girl, jeronica is my guilty pleasure. xD though I'm a major varchie fan.

o_cardin’s Profile PhotoOlivia Cardin
/ honestly I love varchie, buuut can we just appreciate all of the edits people make of jeronica, they’re goals ;’) also, one of the promos for Riverdale it has Jug and Ronnie about to kiss, sooo y’know, I have my hopes up. Like, I do like the others, but I tend to steer off into the jeronica lane. xD
girl jeronica is my guilty pleasure xD though Im a major varchie fan
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Quote that fits your character and how they love

“I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but if every single one had to happen to make sure I was right here, right now, to meet you, then I forgive myself for them all.”
“You found parts of me I didn’t know existed and in you I found a love I no longer believed was real.”
“I think she was afraid to love sometimes. I think it scared her. She was the type to like things that are concrete, like the ocean. Something you could point to and know what it was—and I think that’s why she struggled with love. She couldn’t touch it. She couldn’t hold onto it and make sure it never changed.”
Quote that fits your character and how they love
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A random quote for your character

“I don’t know what living a balanced life feels like; when I’m sad, I don’t cry, I pour. When I’m happy, I don’t smile, I beam. When I’m angry, I don’t yell, I burn. The good thing about feeling in extremes is when I love, I give them wings. But perhaps that isn’t such a good thing, ‘cause they always leave; and you should see me when my heart is broken, I don’t grieve, I shatter.”
A random quote for your character
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OOC what would you say are the chances for Tommen and Skylar to be an actual couple?

/ an actual relationship? At the moment, the chance is probably slim because of the sheer fact that neither of them appear to really be ready for that kind of commitment. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I really love them but I don’t think Skylar would settle down yet. I think if they were to become “official” i predict it would be really on-again-off-again as they both try to find their footing in the relationship and adapt to what life is like when you’re actually /with/ someone. Once they past that obstacle of getting used to the dynamic I think they’d be able to settle and ultimately be happy. I mean, maybe ask Tommen’s admin? because I’m pretty incapable of giving you a straight forward answer, so, maybe they would be able to give you something better? But, at the moment I think it’s slim just because the two of them don’t seem to be at that stage yet, besides, Skylar still has yet to find out that he traded her freedom for his own, which will inevitably cause fireworks.

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OOC what would you say are the chances for Tommen and Skylar to be an actual

Why do people sometimes make wrong decisions and then suffer because of them? isn't it better to think twice and don't do stupid things?

You’re preaching to the wrong person, love. I make multiple mistakes a day, it’s a habit by now.
Why do people sometimes make wrong decisions and then suffer because of them
Liked by: Charles Sinclair


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