

Ask @SophieTapson

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whevr like tis do the % thing

yeah alright...
1% = Err
2% = Fuck off.
3% = Oh my''_''
4% = Hahahahahaha
5% = You are not serious are you ?
6% = Shit you are ugly.
7% = I am not gonna say anything...
8% = NO
9% = Oh oh oh looking bad !
10% = I would never go out like that.
11% = What do you think by walking around like this?
12% = You can`t be serious.
13% = Please change your looks.
14% = Maybe next time.
15% = You better look more often in the mirror to see how ugly you are.
16% = No, Just NO!
17% = Looks awful.
18% = Difficult with you
19% = Uhhh....
20% = Ugly.
21% = Look at you..
22% = Look in the mirror then you know why you only have 22 %.
23% = There is no hope for you...
24% = Shit still doesn`t look good!
25% = What could be the problem?
50% = Middle-rate
75% = Goooood
76% = Not too bad
77% = Good good
78% = I would meet up with you
79% = Okay.
80% = Not bad.
81% = Nice looks.
82% = Beautiful.
83% = You look nice.
84% = Gorgeous<3
85% = I like it a lot.
86% = Oh lala.
87% = Really pretty!
88% = OMG.
89% = Uffh fit!
90% = AMAZING!
91% = More than just pretty.
92% = Extremly pretty♥
93% = Sexy
94% = Model.
95% = Wow *-*
96% = Wow just woooooooooooooow *-*
97% = BEAUTY♥
98% = Who is the prettiest in the whole country ? You!:o
99% = I'll be with you
100% = Please marry me♥

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Perfect relationship?

Who has one or what is one? Er ill do both haha
Who has one; well I think wallis and Ollie are so cute! Like they can't be perfect because everything has flaws but they are so sweet. Not really sure, Freya and Simon are so sweet and suit each other really well. Don't really know anyone else who's going out?
A perfect relationship: erm, you have to be able to trust them! Like obviously as well they can talk to other girls but trying to make you jealous and making you feel that you're not irreplaceable isn't great. You want to feel like you're the only one that matters to them.. Personality is so key, like everyone goes 'personality, looks is a bonus' but I think if you're funny and all banter and stuff it makes you more attractive. Idk looks are good, I mean you want to go out with someone you like and who you personally find attractive. It's not vain as someone else might have a completely different taste to you, but you would find them attractive. Meeting up a lot and being comfortable around each other. Friends are friends and wouldn't be inclined to show off in front of their friends or act differently. They have to like actually be sociable and want to do things, but seeing eachother 24/7 would be boring... Like they can have their own thing as well, you can't stop them doing a hobby just to spend time with you. Distance is annoying and makes people paranoid so living pretty close to you would be good. Being comfortable around family is nice, constantly having parents who don't approve or don't like the other person sucks. Like enjoy banter and tease slightly, but like full on being horrible about something that isn't funny is so bad. Sticking up for you and not trying to make you jealous.. Or get jealous! Be able to act normal in front of you, like I don't even understand how girls can't eat in front of guys I like eat five chocolate bars. Being awkward, but not too loud and show-offy is good.. Not trying to act hard and go 'oh yeah, been doing weed since I was 11' and stuff... A good sense of style and smells good. Not acting differently when their friends are there! Like sometimes they're all lovely when it's just you and maybe another but then they get all horrible around people they feel threatened by or are similar to them.. Treat you, but don't like go all out and make you feel uncomfortable ... Got to treat you well, let you wear their hoody or something, I know that sounds so cringy hahaha. Not be like, really frigid and stand ten meteres away from you, but not be like 'oh yeah im 12 but im still up for a shag' Be able to just sit in and watch movies and eat a load of junk food all day and be happy
Hahaahahah I'm sitting here at 2 in the morning thinking about a perfect relationship all by myself. Now all I need is a new face bye

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