

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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What would you do for your girlfriend?

This has been sat in my questions for 21 days and I just didn't know how to answer it but now I do.
I would always be there for her when ever she needed me no matter what. I would drop everything for her if she needed me too. I would take great care of her and make sure that she was always happy even if it means making tit out of myself. I would stick with her through thick and thin and make her feel comfortable within herself. I would introduce her to my family and make her part of it so she can see am not embarrassed by them. I would get to know her family and make her feel comfortable with me being around them but only after she feelings the time is right to tell them. I would keep our relationship closed but known. I would be proud to call her mine. I would take her away for a day or two, just the two of us and make it special and memorable.
I would treat her like a princess.
I would make her feel like ahead is the only girl in the world.
I would tell her how I feel about her everyday.
I would be open with her.
I would tell her how beautiful she is everyday even if she has just woken up.

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