
Alex Feehan

as a fellow lone person I am hoping you can give me some advice. As I have no chance of a relationship should I just give up on the idea of marriage and embrace my future as a lonely hermit used by parents to scare children? Also what is the best way to stop oneself from crying?

1. Yes.
2. I dunno fam I dun cry I sort of just feel empty inside

Latest answers from Alex Feehan

Do you try to look attractive when you go to the local grocery store?

I lost sound in one of the speakers on my headphones and now listening to music makes me feel uncomfortable

Who is the most flawless women alive?

The joke's dead but tbh it's not a joke at this point
She's cute, and the Church of Mandler has already been established.
Who is the most flawless women alive

Have you ever been in love?

I wouldn't say I have.
I do, however, have a rather obsessive personality, in the sense that I will focus my attention on one thing, rather than a multitude.
So mix that in with a crush and I can become quite internally obsessed with someone to a point of internal torment.

What sound can put you to sleep?

*puts megaphone to my mouth
*clears throat
A b i g a l e M a n d l e r ' s
v o i c e

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

Probably 22, as long as I could be with a lady whom was also 22 forever.

Language: English