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What is your response to this? http://ask.fm/DavidRoss390/answer/124951699654 If the Quran itself says to read it, WHY not read all of it and believe all of it, if it is a light as the Quran calls the Bible?

DavidRoss390’s Profile PhotoDavid Ross
The Bible is from among the holy scriptures revealed by Allah (swt). But along time it has been meddle d with and people have added and removed stuff to suit their fancies. It is not intact anymore. Nor does it particularly need to be since the Bible was a period based/time based book meant for only the people of that time and place (the Bani Israel) to follow. The Quran is not period based. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was not only a messenger for the Arabs of that time. He is the Last Messenger for all mankind. The Book revealed to him, thus is for all mankind too. Allah has taken the responsibility of preserving it (15:9).

What do you think of Gods other names, Yahweh, Yashua, Jehovah? How will you prove my God is false? Quran saying there no God but Allah is not evidence. I don't mean to be mean. I'm honestly sweet, loving, thoughtful. I'm not saying things to disrespect you or to hurt you

DavidRoss390’s Profile PhotoDavid Ross

As he was being persecuted, mocked and beaten, he did nothing cause its purpose would serve a better one- taking our punishment so we don't have to, which Jesus does not want. THAT'S why he took it & willingly, I might add. Other men may have claimed to be God but only Jesus willingly died for us.

DavidRoss390’s Profile PhotoDavid Ross
He didn't die. When he comes back again he will not be resurrected from the dead. He was raised alive from this Earth to come back in time.
Liked by: اميمة Alina Ali.

if you're going through a very difficult time & its causing you a lot of heartache wouldn't you agree its an absolute comfort to know someone understands? Without someone understanding, you will have an even harder time in life because you'll be alone & lonely Jesus being human is 100% imperative

DavidRoss390’s Profile PhotoDavid Ross
Yes. And I know Allah understands me. Knows me. Completely. And I wouldn't be too sure of Him as my God (naoozubillah) if He had to first become human to do so. No. I don't think any man/woman can know me, understand me even half as good as Allah does. No human can completely understand another, surely you don't believe otherwise? When I'm troubled, I realize it is a test from Him and I'm comforted in the knowledge that He won't try me more than I can take (Chapter 2, verse 286). And I realize I'm strong enough to get through. When I'm scared, I ask Allah for His protection and I absolutely bask in the knowledge that He is protecting me. I feel safer than I would have with an entire army standing guard for me. 'If Allah protects you none can overcome you' (3:160).
And yes, Isa (A.S- may peace be upon him) was human and an excellent one at that, nonetheless but also just that.

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Liked by: Alina اميمة Ali.

Wouldn't you agree in order to understand something you have to go through it? examples I'm getting a taste of Islam but I won't understand it cause I wasn't brought up to be Muslim and I've seen the truth in the Bible. another; A person rich all of his life, would he understand poverty??

DavidRoss390’s Profile PhotoDavid Ross
You and me, brother. We might need to step into someone's shoes to know what they go through, because we're merely humans. We couldn't possibly feel for someone without knowing exactly what they've been through. But not God. Which is why we are the humans and He is the God. Once again, don't give God human like qualities. When you talk about his 'inabilities' that is exactly what you do. Let God be God.


Sue1o1’s Profile PhotoSumaiya
God died so your sins could be forgiven? Whose authority is it to forgive your sins other than God himself? What do you understand by the term God? The moment you say God 'cannot' do something, you bring him down to the level of humans. God is The Almighty, there is nothing he cannot do. If he decides He wants to forgive you, that you deserve to be forgiven, then He will. And He CAN. He ONLY has that authority. He doesn't need to die so you are forgiven. He doesn't Need to do anything to 'ENSURE' (what even?) you a place in the Heaven HE created. He doesn't have to become a human to know what we feel. He CREATED us. He created this world. He created the heavens and Hell. Our problems and sufferings in this world are a test from HIM. He doesn't need to go through the same so he UNDERSTANDS us. He is our GOD, David, not some scientist testing his best experiment. If He wants, he can forgive every last human his/her sins and send them to Heaven. He very well can if He wished to do so. 'Kun Fayakoon' (Be. And it is.) It is that simple, infact more, for Him. But while being The Almighty He is also The Just. Why would He forgive you unless you've earned it? Why, if He had to forgive everyone their sins, deserving or not, would He have sent us here in the first place? Why not directly send everyone to Heaven?
I'm not quoting any verse from Holy scripture of any religion. What I said above is a matter of logic. Common sense. Think about that. My religion and what it teaches me makes sense to me. Does your's does to you?
I'm not trying to offend or hurt you, Wallah I'm not. And if in putting across my belief I have done so, then I apologize, it was not my intention to do so.

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1 good and 1 bad habit of yours

FlameWheel’s Profile PhotoAli.
Vaat iz, Aly? Ye kaisa sawaal hua?
But because I have spend a good two hours bawling my eyes out over a Pakistani drama, I'll give you their good and bad habits.
Good habit :- short, concise, concrete, addictive and MAANEEE GOOD LOOKING PEEPAALZ *-*
Bad habit :- killing ( atleast one of the lead actors) and marrying left, right and center. -.-
Liked by: اميمة Ali.


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