

Ask @sundayswithemily


How is the LA life?

SD is so much better >.< LA IS cool, but not to live - so SD is the best because you live in beautiful, gorgeous san diego but can drive 2 hrs to LA whenever you want.

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You're going to be my new favorite mukbanger! Can't wait! xoxox

<3 <3 New mac laptop has been purchased!!!!

What is your favorite thing to do on weekends?

I like to go sightseeing! Take photos. Eat happy hour food :)

If you has to dye your hair, what color would it be? (in a world where any color was professional)

I like how you add the "professional hair color" part aha! If I were to dye my hair, it would most likely be jet black - like Kylie Jenner black. Otherwise I am not a fan of most dyed hair >.< Maybe an ash brown? Or face framing pieces.

Early bird or night owl? What times do you like to wakeup/sleep?

Hm. I hate to wake up early but I also like to go to bed early...but if I had to categorize myself I'd say early bird. Though it is not uncommon for me to lay in bed till 1pm watching trash tv :) If I had to create perfect schedule it would be to wake up 9am and go to bed 9pm :)

How many questions do you ask per day?

It is important to be inquisitive and engaged. The only questions that I am not a fan of are if you were not listening and you have to ask something that has already been answered/addressed.

What is your start date countdown? How does it feel to have the last of your summer vacation ever?

I feel still too young to adult but I also feel overwhelmingly blessed.

Happy Monday! How was your day today?

Happy Monday! Weekend is too short. Looking forward to Friday.

What year would you ideally want to be engaged?

Hmm. Maybe 25? There are a lot of factors to consider: financial stability, future decisions that will have to be made together, my youth.

What would you want your wedding colors to be?

Maybe all white with plant greenery as the color (eucalyptus, etc) and maybe gold accents. I'd have to look up wedding inspirations first!

I think self confidence is a beautiful thing and that women need to appreciate themselves more. We're all beautiful. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your appearance?


What do you think are common mistakes people make in romantic relationships?

Moving too fast, too soon. Mistaking lust with love. Falling in love for the wrong reasons, i.e. money, fame. Leaving friends for significant other. Being too dependent on each other. Declaring their relationship on social media way too soon, like if they've only been talking for less than a couple o months. Sharing the relationship problems with too many people. Hide things and think it's "not lying." Keeping significant other separate from friends/family, it won't last if your s/o doesn't get along with them or if you have to hangout with them separately.

What is your favorite color to wear?

Black/nude - neutrals in general. I think most ppl look the best in those colors. Very good for work. And very good to rewear often. Also I think it is v sexy to standout from your beauty through a classic black dress, instead of being in your face in a hot pink or royal blue dress.

What is your favorite alcoholic drink?

I don't drink! But pleeeaaaase tell me some alcoholic drinks that TASTE GOOD. I never drank in middle/high school because underaged and I didn't give into peer pressure easily. I also felt like I didn't need to drink to have fun. Now that I am older, I still don't drink mainly because I simply don't like the taste. So please recommmend me yummy drinks!!

More vlog inspos for you to check out are Joanday and Amy Vagabond if you don't know them already! :D

I don't know them! I rly don't watch YTers much. Will check them out~~~ Thanks!

You should do more posts than Sunday posts girrrrrrrl!

Awhh thank you!! Yes yes yes that makes me so happy you say that!! And I do sometimes do more than Sunday posts. I drop a mid-wk post every now and then but I am running out of ideas to blog about >.>

What was the last movie you watched?

In the movies, Brandon, Utkrisht, and I watched Hereditary. That new scary movie! I wasn't that scared because I know that fool was from Nickelodeon!!


Language: English