

Ask @SyazwinaHayani

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Desc your dormmates for the last time ?

Marsya- too genius, i cannot. Dialah yg paling sabar dan paling tau cara untuk gerak aku setiap pagi ? I don't know how to live without u next year.
Sab- she always has stories to share because dia selalu mimpi shok, pelik smua ada
Damia- kadang x2 dia serious tp kadangx2 tak, dia kata aku gedik. Huhu
Iffah- sentiasa menceriakan bilik. I really adore her sebab dia sangat menjaga batasannya. Dia kata, orang yang mmg dah keras hati, tak mau dengar ckp ni semua punca drpada maksiat. Zapp kan
Adilah- definitely very comel mcm baby smpai skrg walaupun dh tua. Mmg pandai smua subjek.
Ainun- petang x2 selalu p dm bersama, anak solehah.
- I definitely will miss you all -
Liked by: iffaaa zmer marsya

Desc mrsmkp ??

It was just like a few days ago when i first step into the college. Yet, I learned a lot of new things, new life and of course the definition of being independent. I still can't believe i had survived for four years. And the most important thing, i was really grateful to have my friends, batch mates. I am grateful to have such amazing teachers, i have a school which is well equipped, a school which teaches our morality. I am hoping to contribute this college by achieving splendid results in every examination in 2017. Amin.
Liked by: zmer entahle

Describe ckit personality each one of ldp laki 16/17 ni?

Each of them maybe ada these personality, it depends.
-rasa amanah
-mengikut peraturan sebetulnya
Tp ada yg terkurang ciri x2 di atas including me ofc. But anyway just pray so that all ldp akan menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka dgn penuh amanah dan membaiki akhlak. Amin
Liked by: zmer


Language: English