
Talal Qaralleh

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Status 🙈

mahmoudmohamedboghdady’s Profile Photoكهرمانه
Cigarettes are very sad things, if you look at them in a certain way.
Watch how the colourless smoke curls into the grey air.
Watch how the person holds it - lightly - between their numbed down fingers.
And look into their eyes each time they put it to their lips.
What do you see there?
What are they trying to forget?
What dreams were broken, to make them want to breathe in death itself?
Yes… Cigarettes are very sad things, if you look beyond the mist a person has shrouded themselves within.
They've chosen to hide in a cloud.

مساحه 😍

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy.
For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger – something better, pushing right back.

Status 😻💞

I am very powerful.
Whatever I set my mind on having, I will have.
Whatever I decide to be, I will be.
The evidence is all around me.
The power of my will has brought me precisely to where I am right now.
I have made the choices.
I have held the thoughts.
I have taken the actions to create my current reality.
And I have the power to change it into whatever I want it to be.
With the choices I make, I am constantly fulfilling the vision I have for my life.


Language: English