
Tamara Pfeiffer

Ask @Tamarapfeiffer

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How was your day beautiful?

My day sucked. My phone got stolen. It wasn't just my phone though. It was pictures of me and all the friends i moved away from. It had all my music on it. And most of all it had messages from my best friend Alex Marshall. Alex passed away this last February. Sometimes the only thing that gives me comfort are our messages. It reminds me how much he cared about me. It allows me to keep laughing at all his jokes. And it makes it so that i can NEVER forget him. Whoever stole my phone, please return it. Or give it to the lost and found. Its more than just a phone to me.

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Stuck up much? Saying every guy wants you pretty sure that's not the case maybe becuase you throw your body around that makes you look easy

If you knew me even the slightest bit you would know I have kissed 5 people in my life and I'm a virgin. So I'm sorry to disappoint but that's not throwing my body around. Also, I never said anyone wants me.

Do you believe people are born innately evil, or do you believe the evil people demonstrate is a reflection of society?

I believe that no one is born evil. I believe that it's much more complicated than just a reflection of society. I believe that every person goes through struggles different than any other person and some choose to handle that differently than others. But I don't believe anyone is truly evil.


Language: English