

Ask @TendreJoue

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which exo members do you think has a shot of going solo and why?

Well I'd say Kris lol since he left he seems to have to desire for that ^^

What do you have in common with each member of EXO? ^_^

Kyungsoo Jongin and I are capricorns hehe I wish I had wealth in common with sumoney tho

Who will you stan if your bias isn't part of the k-pop group you're obsessing right now?

My second bias? I have so many biases lol there will always be someone hehe

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would you prefer an aegyo-filled or serious boyfriend/girlfriend? (no cheating and saying mix!)

I want someone funny none of this!!

who is your favorite exo's stan? list one person for each member.

Kris bunica :3
Junmyeon Beuling
Luhan Mika lol
Minseok Whit
Lay Kate
Baekhyun Bernice
Chanyeol Acire
Chenchen Alicia
Kyungsoo Jinny coz of the UST
Jongin Joanne
Sehun Fatouma she's the cause of many laughs lol
Tao Bauci :3

Would you attend an exo fansign (like the recent SKT one)?

Just to see the fans and be entertained lol

EXO on Hello Baby: Who will be the best dad, who will fail to get the child's attention, who will just flat out flop?

Suhoho and jongin for best daddies! Chanyeol as the attention seeker and flop will be Luhan lol

If EXO opened up their official fanclub with registration for foreigners (and Koreans living abroad, hi Jinny) would you join despite the price? Why/why not?

Not really because I'm moving onto being a casual fan I think maybe 7 months ago I would say yes but now I'm not really sure.

What are some of your favourite songs? Doesn't have to be Kpop!

I put your records on by the pierces!
And Celine dion on ne change pas!

Rank exo based on their popularity

idk really Luhan and baekhyun and jongin are top 3 for sure well till the xiuhips started to not lie hehe

lots of fans say 'dream job' when it comes to coordis / noonas / those stewardesses /even managers and what not of EXO :D Do you think it's really a dream job for an EXO stan? Would you like to be the one from their staff, or maybe a personal coordi? Anything on your mind about this - spill it!

I don't think so I'd rather be their friend I don't wanna work for them tbh what if they turn out to be horrible and I have to work for them I'd be so unhappy with being a friend you can just cut ties.

who do you honestly think will be the new hot trend in exo this year (if not minseok)

I'd say Baekyung~ hahaha

how does your current exo bias list look like?

Kyungsoo, jongin, Sehun, Luhan, Minseok, yixing, junmyeon, Chen, and hum the others are just a lump lol

At what age did you find out that Santa wasn’t real?

I never believe in Santa I think? Idk I knew pretty fast kids a super cruel

who do you think is the favorite hyung/dongsaeng (or both) of each exo member in the group?

Minseok: I think him and lulu and friends so his fave is Tao maybe? His homework remember?haha
Luhan: Sehunnie cos he's a sunshine~and he's a da ge too!
Kris: I'd say Tao without any hesitation and he probaly considers Xiuhan his friends
Junmyeon: Kyungsoo and I love that haha, for the hyungs I thinks he's the same as Kris.
Lay: I think he loves everyone cos his unicorn love is unversal~
Baekhyun: I'd Tao and Junmyeon cos he's rich. I don't really wanna talk about him today so keut!
Chanyeol: hum...Kris of course and Jongin lol Chanyeol is so obvious.
Jongdae: Jongdae I believe has no faves cos he's fab like dat.
Kyungsoo: Junmyeon and Jongin! :3
Jongin: Junmyeon and Sehunnie!! but I believe he think of Sehun and Tao as friends.
Tao: Kris and he's a baby he can't baby anyone!
Sehun: Obvious choice would be Luhan but I feel like he loves all of his hyungs cos they cherish him and he wants a piece of every pie haha!

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who do you think seems like jongdae's closest friend in exo?

I don't really know with their new dynamics but I think he's quite close to Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. He loves Junmyeon but I think they have a hyung dongsaeng relationship.

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Liked by: Momo

It's Christmas season, and even though we may not all celebrate, it's somewhat become just a festive holiday for most people! Do you have any Christmas wishes or is there anything you want (world peace and childhood wishes apply)? ^_^

I want to have a lot less issues to solve, I don't seem to see the end of them. *sighs*
Liked by: Bauci


Language: English