
Sandy Rojas

Ask @ThePopushi

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Do you think anyone can be a voice actor or do you need to have some sort of natural talent?

Honestly, I think it's something that can be learned sure, but that doesn't mean it'll be good. I find it very similar to singing. You can take classes for years and perfect the technical parts of it with breath control and pitch, but that doesn't mean you'll sound good. I know a lot of people who have the technique down pat but overall their voice just isn't....nice. It isn't impressive. Whereas people who are born to naturally sing well and sound nice, I've found, ironically have never taken a class LOL
So.... yeah. I think you need to have a bit of a natural talent or quirk that's unique to you to do so. But that's just my opinion. :)

WAIT YOU WERE IN THE MILITARY? WHAT? WHEN? AAAAH! can you tell us a bit of your experience or time there? Why you did it, what you got out of it and so forth if thats okay :D

I was from 2012 for 2 years. I don't want to go into too much detail now, but maybe someday. But I got out for very sad reasons xD

I'm an actor looking to get into voice acting. Do you have any general advice when it comes to voice acting?

Always be looking for opportunities. Any auditions, competitions, or posts. Be a good person. If you think you're gods gift to fucking man and think you DESERVE to be professional and are shocked you aren't yet, then chances are you never will. No one will work with you if you're a crappy person, no matter how talented. So be humble but ambitious. Persevere, because you're going to get a lot of rejection. But all it takes is that one "yes" :)

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How do you get auditions sent to you?!?! Did you sign up somewhere or is it from people you worked with?

I won a competition LOL you don't sign up for auditions, you have to get your foot in the door and then they're sent to you once you've made a name for yourself

You should make a video on how to get into voice acting! :D or at least to get your foot in the door or find indie work x3

As much as I'd like to, I don't think I have the right to do so yet. I feel I need to do more before I can. Maybe someday though!

What's your view on life? Like purpose or goals? Meanings and such? You can take this seriously or as a joke, whatever you prefer :D

Max Vinci
The life goal I feel is the pursuit of happiness. What happiness means varies from person to person but, it's still the act of striving and working towards it.

Here are your 5 seconds of fame in the TL video. How does it feel to be an internet sensation? https://youtu.be/sThlgAI9I7A?t=2m16s

Holy poop LOL that certainly is me next to lust boy, but how did you catch that?! you hardly see my face on screen because it was cut off xD! Unless there's another part I missed, that's some crazy good observation.

@alexernst asks, "What is your favorite romance movie?"

hmmm... there's a lot, but I'm blanking on them so I'll say the first that comes to mind is Moulin Rouge

what fetishes do you have?

Hmm...according to a friend, apparently it's a fetish of mine to watch shoes or games they've voiced in. I'm friends with a few voice actors, so I like to see their work xD but I think it's just admiration, not a fetish :P

So what's your favorite genre of music I'm sure you got this alot but I'm curious

I'm such a basic weeb when it comes to music xD I love everything mainstream. For Japanese things, it's anime songs or JPop. I love Kpop, and with American music it's what's ever on the radio, so....basically pop in general. And EDM

how does someone win you over

LOL jkjk. Well, there's a lot of things I suppose. But the first thing anyone can do to make me notice them is to make me laugh a lot. Talk to me often, and if I'm laughing a lot, it's a good sign.

Did you know that's you are YouTube famous? You show up in the team Liquid video with a Lustboy at the CLG party in episode 2.

oooh! Link xD

Lily did something to you? What happened? D:

she helped my confidence and showed me a lot of kindness. She helped a lot.


Language: English