
timothy tan

Ask @TimmyLim

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my cum ---------> T.T(your fuck face) hahahahahaha :) i like it :)

I do not understand you. Please wake up.
Tell me what you want from me.
I don't need faggots like you disturbing my friends askfm. Brandon, Dillion, Keanan, Dominic, HongXiang.
Can't you see? There is a 0% chance you'll win.
Here's a qoute by me ; " If your a guy and you have a vagina, you'll never win " -Timothy Tan
^That, totally represents you. -Breathe- -Breathe- -Breathe- Have you accept the fact that your a 12 year old pussy?
Oh, btw, from your name " the rock " i assume you watch WWE and you think are like dwayne johnson, the rock.
But please, you are not even 1/8 of him.
I love Dwyane Johnson, but girls like you tryna act all " i'm the rock, i win " disgust and bring shame to his name.
So please and please, just go home. Maybe there's nobody that cares about you anymore but at least, you have a place to stay and eat.
Replying your hates makes me entertained. The amount of idiot and the choice of words you use is very limited.
I'll tell you what, go buy a dictionary. OH WAIT, i forgot your a BEGGER. Beggers like you have no money, no wonder their vocabulary are all limited. Hmm, oh well, shame on you! -Shrugs-

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just ignore the anonymous omg , lol i think you should try to understand them, they lost their balls, to even put their names there , and using askfm to scold you guys , that's completely dumb and remind yourself , only cowards do this ! dont get affected by them okay ! (:

I'm not affected! Actually, i'm amused and it's entertainting for me and people who follow me askfm. They can see how i burn this ' shawn the rock ' guy. Oh well, a pussy will die a pussy.

I accept your challenge if i prove all your friend that i'm a guy what are your friend going to do and if your friend is right that i'm a girl what they doing to do with me? you better talk to them about this matter before your will sure lost to me. fuck face

So what? I do not wish to see a small ' cock '.
You don't get it do you?
This is what we 205 love to call ' You'll never win game ' You won't win. You'll never win.
Which idiot don't know what is masturbate? Oh wait, it's you. aka, the 12 year old girl.
So? You gonna slap me with your dick? Ahhh, i'm feeling all scared now. Don't pretend you have a dick when in the first place you don't know what's an errection. So wake up and wake up.
goodbye, and just go cry in a corner while thinking you have a dick but all you ever had was a loose vagina.

Want i show you my dick that will to you that i'm a guy not girl you fuck face and got cum at face eeeee!!!! fucking gay guy

If you truly are a guy. How do you not know what is masturbate and why did you ask " Why do my dick become hard? "
Oh wait, does that mean you are a girl? Hold on here guys. Let's take 5 seconds to take in that this girl here ; shawn the rock is truly a girl.
Yeah guys, that was some hardcore accepting to take in. Hew, but it's okay. I accept that you are a girl and you have a vagina.
Secondly, by saying you have cum doesn't make you a guy. Having a guy's name doesn't make you a guy. What makes you a faggot is that you added " the rock " behind your askfm name. That, in which truly represents the maximum amount of faggot you have in yourself. So please girl, learn to grow up. Learn to speak better english.
You cannot burn us becuase you can't burn what is already in the burn crew. Don't be a girl. Grow a dick, even if it's a small one, at least that makes you a guy.
And please how sure are you to think that you are going to make it into Queensway? Queensway do not need girls like you. Even IF YOU can make it into Queensway, your vagina will shrivel up becuase you have no " gang " or " friends " to back you up.
So please, i would strongly advise you to just admit defeat. That would mean alot to us.
Grow a dick, girl. Grow up.

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Fuck you!!! you no balls. and it prove to me that your words are just empty talk .you can eat cum you face fuck

how yu kniw dat ma wordz arz empty tok? addz a photoz in yo askfm acc lurh.
pls spek bettre engrish if notz shut te hell ups


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