

Ask @Tinyjuliaxoxo

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...I can't tho...I'm not a good looking guy at all and you'd probably think I'm weirder if you knew who I was xD I'm just an average guy

Ok well I'm not playing 20,questions with you... Man up...

Lol no xD I just don't wanna say my name

Tell me your name and I won't answer so it won't show up on twitter or ask

Oh...well I mean your cute and you seem like your not a bad person lol ^_^ I'd date you if you we're like that and I'm just an average guy :3 so never give up confidence ^_^

... Who are you...

Lol we'll if he really loves you then he will be able too ^_^ lol really loving someone is basically what you just said :3 you just need a guy who will do that :3

It's complicated

...that's it? Lol that's not hard to do xD

Haha you need to be able to handle me at my worst. When I'm pmsing and tell at you for no reason. When all I want is for you to hug me and say everything will be fine. If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best


Language: English