
Tot ❤️

Ask @Tiyanamonet

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Would you rather have a friend who hangs out with you all the time but is never there for your deep problems, or one friend who never comes to chill but is always there for you when you need it?

I like both. I like to chill but I'm also the type of person who has to talk about their problems.

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Do any of the things that used to upset you a few years ago matter at all to you today?

Some stuff maybe but other stuff hell no ?? it

Name your next adventure. PAP of inspiration!

How about my relationship goals since everyone thinks I'm crazy anyways ???❤️

Summer vacation is perfect for what?

Idk I do the same shit every summer, lose friends, get fucked over and/or become single ?

Scale of 1 to 10 how crazy are u?

Crazy enough to where I'll fuck you up completely and not give a fuck about it afterwards ?

How would you change your name to make life a lot more fun?

I'd love if my name really was Tot because literally everyone calls me that ?

Why do you or don't you smile back at strangers?

I do and because I was raised that way, mama does it to. Plus I work with people so it's force of habit


Language: English