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Working with people you hate, but getting a huge paycheck or working with people you couldn’t live without, but getting an average paycheck?

Cliedus’s Profile PhotoRobert Gatlin
Average paycheck. Constantly working with people you hate would likely eat your self esteem right up.
Liked by: Robert Gatlin

Is there something you eat every day?

If it's strictly eating and not drinking, probably not. The closest thing to everyday for a given food that I eat might be 4-5 times a week.

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What must you have on your sandwich for it to truly be complete?

n_stacks_’s Profile PhotoNicole
The bread should probably have butter or mayo on it. Some type of vegetable too.

Do you separate your laundry in to colors or do you just toss them all in together?

n_stacks_’s Profile PhotoNicole
Toss them all in. The clothes I wear must be too cheap to worry about it anyways.

How do you discover new music to listen?

I would say that Spotify has been the most helpful app for that.

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your telephone, which ones would you keep?

Gmail, chrome, Hangouts dialer.

What is the last thing you picked up off the ground?

It must have been money but I don't remember when or how much.

If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

I suppose I'd want it to be Danielle or something like that.

If you could own any building in the world, which one would it be?

I might choose the US Bank building in downtown L.A. but I don't know what I'd do with it.

Language: English