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In Exodus 30:26-29 God tells moses to create a mixture of herbs and oils to consecrate himself with. This oil contains calamus which was thought to be cannabis because it was translated from the word canneh bosom. Both calamus and cannabis are psychoactive and can be transmitted via skin.

First of all, no where in those verse does God instruct Moses to anoint himself. He tells him to anoint Aaron and his sons. Also about the anointing it is less of a literal thing and it is about the priesthood and ordaining them with the priesthood.
As for the specifics on calamus you are mistaken. It, itself is not medically a psychoactive drug. However it is used the making of ayurvedic medicine which actually counteracts hallucinogens.
The thought that it can be a hallucinogenic is actually a urban legend as based upon two pages of a book written by Hoffer and Osmund entitled The Hallucinogens. So there is no medical evidence of this being true.

I'm having a hard time with it because it seems so centered on those works, and if you read Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 4:5 in the bible it's discussed that those works aren't necessary. It's just very confusing because it seems that way in the LDS church.

Read the book of James. I know in some Christian religions that this chapter "means otherwise" as I've been told as I've talked with other Christian's, but that is the belief of LDS church that you need works.
It's not saying you have to be perfect or be doing all these incredible miraculous things. It simply means doing your best and serving others and loving others. It's not hard really. At least for me which I guess I have an easier life than most. I'll write a blog post about the Saviors grace and mercy for us. There seriously is so much I could answer on this, it'd take ages though.
Simply put don't get so caught up on one over the other. Faith without works is dead. But works without faith isn't much good either. You need to have both.

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"It is quite clear to me that the religious paradise of youth, which [I] lost, was a first attempt to free myself from the chains of the 'merely personal,' from an existence which is dominated by wishes, hopes, and primitive feelings." - Albert Einstein

While Einstein had his specific knowledge in the areas of science, his expertise was never in theology or religion. Just because one smart man has beliefs doesn't validate yours nor contradict my beliefs. However, even though Einstein didn't believe in a personal God, he believed in an impersonal creator God.
Your beliefs should not be based upon someone else's. That's where true fallacy lies - when you base your beliefs one what is said instead of what you feel. You have to search it out and find out for yourself. Test it. Study it. Try it. See how you feel.
I don't know what your intentions are with quotes as such but be ready for answers like this.

you are my hero. x go on a mission, like really. im not kidding. you know where your head is at, and your testimony is really powerful. like honestly I learned a lot more just by reading what you had to say to the people who questioned our church. youre an amazing missionary. thank you so much<3

l a u r a
awww, thank you. you're the sweetest. I'm just so grateful this account gives me the opportunity to share my testimony in a kind of unconventional way. :)
Liked by: l a u r a

I have some questions. Mormons believe that works help you achieve salvation, right? Like going to the temple to do baptisms, or to serve a mission, or other things like that.

Mormon's believe it is a balance of faith and works. Faith without works is dead, as it says many times in many places of the bible. Faith in Jesus Christ is important. Knowing that you can turn to him and he will forgive your sins. It's a equal balance of the Savior's mercy and your works.
You can't expect to live your life doing bad things or sinning, hurting others or not fulfilling your potential and doing your best and receive Christ's mercy.
There are two parts that the Savior fulfills. Justice and Mercy. Everyone gets what they deserve, what they have earned, what they have achieved. But the greater part is after doing all that you can do, the Savior has mercy for you. The important thing is that you life your life the best you can. That you do your best and at the end of the day you are proud of who you are. Then, the Savior makes up the rest.
I wouldn't say things like going to the temple or missions is what gives you salvation. Maybe it helps, and it surely can help you become stronger as a person, but it's more about how and why you live your life.

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Why do some mormons make friends to convert then leave people alone once they are baptized?

It's truthfully unintentionally. I think people just forget about being true christians. For me if I'm being your friend it's cause I want to be your friend. But for some Mormons it's easy to forget the real point is bringing other people happiness. It's about being their friend and being there for them and sharing the gift of the gospel. I really can't say there's a reason why, I know it's horrible. It's something I would try to never do. All we can hope is that it happens less and less.

Out of all the mormon people on this website you give the most level headed discussions, congratulations!

I try to haha. I'm generally a calm person maybe that helps. But thank you, I'll try to keep it up. I'm still always learning, there's so much to the gospel and a testimony, but I'm dedicated to learning as much as I can and just being me. Which is super not scary or intimidating haha.
Liked by: l a u r a

I am ignorant, I admit it but you don't see the ignorance in your own faith. You don't question the authority of your religion and it is a struggle for you to be happy about it. You say that other religions do not have the whole truth and that your own is somehow special compared to the others.

I have questioned it. Why do you think I stopped going? I am a very critical person. I'm an English major. I think far more than anyone will ever know. I'm stubborn and I question everything and everyone. If you knew me personally you'd know that, but you don't know me.
It is through the doubt and questioning and searching that I found that it was true. I never blindly followed nor do I now. I am happy. I still have difficult days. I am still negative. I'm not perfect. I still get angry. I'm human. But my testimony of the gospel will never falter.
No one will change my mind once I know it for myself.
I am ignorant when it comes to some things, but not this. And I am only further studying and solidifying what I know, without a bias to serve my opinion or my previous beliefs.
Liked by: l a u r a

Not every religion makes you pay for repentance and not every religion asks for as much as the LDS church. People can be forced to pay their tithing in the same way they are forced to go to church. A member has to pay tithing to be able to go to the temple. That sounds a lot like paying a pastor.

You don't have to go to the temple. That's your choice. So if you don't want to pay tithing, then don't. Your choice.
Please take a world religion class, it might open your mind to your ignorance.

You can still make others happy, serve and sacrifice without god. If your religion is about helping the world then why do they always label it as evil? They say the natural man is evil. They are making you repent for being human. You don't see the way that the church limits you.

who is "they?"
It's not about repenting for being the natural man, but instead choosing not to act upon it. You don't have to repent for not doing anything?
The gospel is the furthest from limiting. I've never had more freedom than when living the gospel.
I didn't live it for six months of my life and I was not free whatsoever, nor happy.
Liked by: l a u r a

Religion is a primal belief. It is the origin of architecture, there are some great cultural aspects surrounding it nevertheless it makes you weak. It makes you think that everything is governed by one person and that you can never pay back jesus christ, that sounds like a pathetic life.

A pathetic life would be one where you have nothing to live for but yourself.
My life is making others happy, serving others, and sacrificing. To me that's not a sad life. My belief in God motivates me to love everyone and to help others. What is pathetic about that? because helping the world and improving it, that doesn't sound pathetic to me.

So for repentance what if god and jesus never existed? You are making this huge deal about breaking the commandments of a fictional character. You are hurting yourself for what you done long after the fact for no reason.

Well there's no need to say what if. If God and Jesus didn't exist, we would not exist. I'm sorry but the whole "big bang theory" isn't logical to me whatsoever. We came from somewhere. If not God, then where?
I have never once been hurt by the atonement. I have felt peace and forgiveness. If you've felt differently, maybe you have the wrong idea about it. It's not supposed to be like that.
Liked by: l a u r a

"No human can construct a human brain, let alone truly comprehend the extent to what goes on in the mind." You have never heard of stem cell research or neurology? There are things that humans do not understand but we have come to, it does not mean you should settle being cluless and worship god.

research. that's the key word. has it ever successfully been done? no. Worshiping a God or divine being may to you be clueless and senseless, but it's a personal choice that doesn't concern you. Allow others to have that freedom and worship how they may. yes, some people might force the idea of God upon you, but some won't.
for me, I know there is a God. No one will change my belief about that. It is my reality. You may not believe in a God and I respect that. I'm not pushing God upon you, so don't push your unbelief upon me. Because we won't change each others minds.
Liked by: l a u r a

So you say women can use the power of the priesthood? The only things I see women doing at LDS churches are giving talks and nagging the men to participate. Women are used as a tool to bring men to church, I have seen that done a thousand times.

Women don't have the authority of the priesthood, but without women what good are men? Let's be honest. They would be so much less without the women in their lives - mothers, sisters, wives. Don't undervalue women. Women are the heart of the church. The ones who sacrifice most and serve most. I have seen my own mother sacrifice her time and money to bring a meal to a family in need. I've seen her befriend countless people. My dad would not be who he is without her. Nor would she be who she is without him. The church would fall apart if it were just all men.
Liked by: l a u r a

Nothing is his because he does not exist. You are paying all your money to a church just to help the church that stole all your money. No other religion robs their followers as much as the LDS church. Also what you see as blessings would happen anyway, it is just your perception.

Other churches actually require members to give money to be forgiven, or to pay their pastor for his service. And our church does nothing whatsoever similar. As far for the term "stole?" No one is forced to give. So perhaps change your wording because no one is being robbed, everyone willingly gives (even if you don't think they should it's their choice to)
I know that there is a God, and the way you talk, you say nothing is "his," you insinuate that you already know there is a God and you've chosen to not to believe in him. Totally up to you, but if this is your way to alter my opinion pick someone else, because I'm a stubborn person and once I come to know something is true, I don't turn back on it. I know there is a God. And I know that yes blessings come regardless, but additional blessings come from obeying commandments.

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Liked by: l a u r a

I need some advice please. I've never been to girls camp and I'm 14. All of the girls in my ward have a distinct disinterest in what I do. (I play sports) I don't want to spend a week with them. I can barely stand church and mutual. What should I do? (They are superficial and care more about apperen

People can surprise you. I know what you mean, I hated girls camp more than anything. It was just too much drama and I felt like no one would even care if I went missing. The thing about the gospel is this. You can have absolutely nothing in common, but if you have the gospel, you have one thing. that's what matters. Pray for help. Ask God to help you see someone else who might need a friend, who might feel like you do. Pray for the girls you might not like or might not like you. Turn to God. If nothing else, if it's still not good, read your scriptures, and pray. I remember times at girls camp where I was sick and I felt alone and I cried in the bathroom. But then I prayed, and God gave me overwhelming peace. God will never leave you alone. He will help you. Camp might not be the best, or it could be ten times better than you expect. Most of all, just take it as an opportunity to strengthen your testimony and make the best of something that could be hard. God loves you so much.

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Liked by: Brennah Warner

So I live in a super tiny community, and there are like no Mormon boys to date. So I am usually stuck going on dates with non Mormon boys. Do you honk it's okay to go on dates with them if they have good morals and standards even if they are not spat of the church?

That's tricky. I mean it's good for you to date, because you interact and gain social skills and see what you want in a guy to marry.
The problem is this. What happens if you really really like a guy. You fall in love with him. You can't expect him to join the church (although that sounds romantic and all).
I guess I'm saying this - don't get too attached. Don't get serious. Don't put too much of your heart into it. Because there's a chance you could fall and you'd have a hard choice between a boy you love and the gospel. and you deserve a temple marriage.
which I guess all of this is far down the line but still, I mean dating eventually leads to marriage.
Keep dating, but be cautious I guess. That's probably the best you can do. I don't think the nun route is what anyone would suggest to you haha :)

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I'm heading off to college in August, 13 hours away from home and I'm totally scared. Any words of wisdom?

Trust in God. Turn to him for comfort, because as hard as it is sometimes to turn to him, he is the truest source of peace and happiness. Things will be hard. You'll probably miss home, and you might get stressed. You might not make as many friends as you'd hope. You might get lost. But everything just might go perfectly too. Have faith and trust that everything that you go through is for your gain. Choose faith over fear. Take things with you that'll remind you of home. Don't be afraid to call your mom and tell her you miss her and love her. Keep a journal. Talk to a friend. Pray. Believe in yourself and know that you can do ANYTHING.
Liked by: Lily Jones

Thoughts on Gay Marriage?? And how us Mormons disapprove of the sin and not the sinner(:

Okay well let's be honest. Me being straight I'm like wait what ew, me liking a girl? I don't get that.
But then I'm like, okay so what, my life is different and I don't get that at all, so what. but the thing is?
The gospel isn't about being perfect or doing what everyone else wants you to do. It's about doing what God would have you do. The whole issue is complicated I'll admit, but I know that the prophet speaks the word of God.
Now the way I understand it is this - same sex attraction is not a sin. It is when it is acted upon that it becomes an issue to the church. Also as it says in the Family Proclamation to the world, marriage is defined as a man and a woman. I believe that and support it.
While I don't support gay marriage or actions upon same sex attraction, I don't think it should define a person or change who they are. Just because someone is different doesn't mean there's something wrong with them.
I won't support gay marriage, but I'm not going to fight it. I'm going to follow the prophet because I know all that he says is the word of God. But most of all, I will love everyone and treat them the same. That's what God would have me do, and that's what the Church believes too.

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Do you know what apotheosis is?

nope but I looked it up, me being me. Apparently being raised to a god-like state, or supposedly "to deify." And no, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints doesn't believe in that tradition instead they believe in divinization or deification, which is usually referred to as exaltation, eternal life, and eternal progression. Basically meaning that we can live with God in families and become God's ourselves.
So I guess similar concepts but not quite the same. It requires rather eternal progression.

What's the reason you made this account

it's a really dumb reason actually. I made my personal to share the gospel. I live in Utah haha so I am a super religious person and so I made my personal to share the gospel. But then things happened and I had a boyfriend who soon became an ex, who wouldn't stop bothering me about what I tweeted. So then I made this anon, and at first it was probably pretty shallow and lame and like, a release of my frustrations with life, and since, I've developed it into sharing the gospel as much as I can and helping people and just making friends. surprisingly, twitter has brought unseen blessings into my life.
Liked by: TallDarkandChevy

Do you know who it is who keeps asking all these questions about the church and trying to tell a bunch of the anons that ou rbeliefs are corrupt?

I don't, but I truthfully don't mind it. In fact I really truly sincerely appreciate it because not only do I get to tell them what I believe, but I get to share what I believe and know with everyone. These are things maybe a lot of members or future members would struggle with. Which is totally okay. I believe you have to question things in order to ever truly know them. I guess some people have different testimonies where they just know without question, but mine has been a journey, a series of doubts, and finding that I know it is all true.
So I welcome the questions. it makes me so happy to talk about this stuff and reaffirm how strong my testimony of this gospel is. It's what I live for.
Liked by: Larissa


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