

Ask @Vaelr

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u have a chance of asking me anything, and i mean anything. just one question that u always wanted to asked me before the end of 2015. i promise to answer it honestly, no lies. send this to all ur contact and see what people want to ask you. :)

deandradea14’s Profile Photodeandradeaa
Gatau ci

desc dong 😊

NatanaelDavin26’s Profile PhotoDavin Natanael
cewe, ci davina, supir terbaik haha jk, kalo ngomong lucu, baik banget, mau dibully, ci patrice aw, papi di waterboom, udah kuliah cie, murah hati (mcd gratis), kim woo bin banget, sombong sekarang, dah ah..
Liked by: Davin Natanael

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louisvalenthenardo’s Profile Photolou
desc pendek putih chinese sipit heboh jago joget bawel orang korea nyasar ke indo nasi goreng ikan asinnya enak 😩👌🏼
imp gw udah lupa lou
papnya bonus Anastasia yang tinggi itu
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Liked by: lou


cilla itu heboh, baikk, suka gossip HAHA, cakep, apa adany, udah gak galau lagi yey, cameron dallas wkwk, dan kemaren pas diteriakin peka wkwkw KANGEN SANGAT


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