

Ask @VanityY

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Колко му е голям на Коцето ? Стига ли ти до гърлото ?

Ммм като ти е толкова интересно колко му е голям защо не провериш?

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If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

Hmm..the moment I started cutting I guess..

Ако тръгнеш на околосветско пътешествие, то кои страни искаш обезателно да посетиш?

Япония, Корея, САЩ <3

Do you believe in supernatural things ? Why ?

Well yeah, I believe. I don't know why though..I just believe they're real ^^

Като малка правила ли си се на динозавър?

Lawl xDDD не..ти да не би да си се правил?

Колко често падаш от стол?

Всъщност, до сега не съм падала хДД

What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

Nothing in this world worth having comes easy.

Напада те зомби. Обърни се надясно и грабни първото нещо, което видиш. То ще е оръжието ти. Какво е?

Стена? О.е

What is your theory on life, death and life after death ?

Well..I think that we all have something to do in our lives..a goal. Like a special lesson we have to learn so that we can move on. It may sound weird but I think that when we die, we actually wake up from a long dream so we can live our real life. I know it sounds weird and I really can't explain it ><

Представи си, че е апокалипсис и имаш възможност да спасиш само трима човека. Кои ще са тези трима?

My mom, dad and my sister..because you can find friends anywhere but you have only one family <3 And even though I will feel sad about my friends, my family is more important.

Една песен, която можеш да слушаш до края на живота си и да не ти омръзне?

Nickelback - Far Away <3

Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

Well yeah..I've done it before so yeah xD

How do you know when you're in love?

You know you're in love with somebody when all you think about is that person. When you can't wait to see and to talk to him. At least that's how I know when I'm in love with someone ^^


Language: English