

Ask @VanityY

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http://ask.fm/VanityY/answer/29520646446 Аз знам много неща, но това е съвсем друга тема. Ще ми отговориш ли на въпроса, ако обичаш?

Не съм писала повече по тази история..имам толкова много неща които мога да напиша и просто не знам с кое да започна и как да го направя.

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Хейй ^_^ ! Очакваш ли с нетърпение Баба Марта ? Обичаш ли да носиш мартеници ? Харесваш ли червеният и белият цвят ? Леко денонощие ;д

Хейо :33 Ами честно казано, не виждам какво толкова имам да очаквам с нетърпение ;д Иначе да, обичам, макар че по принцип получавам доста малко ;д Да, харесвам тези цветове при това много :33

Kvo mislish za novata pricheska na viktor

По принцип обожавам такива прически, но не мисля, че е прическа като за него. Със старата беше по-хубав.

Какво стана с Луна?? Защо има само три глави :(

O.O От къде знаеш за Луна??

samo negovite 4uvstva li sa promeniha? sry sig e gadno ama taka kaza

Да, само неговите. Надявам се и моите да се променят, при това възможно най-скоро!!

Kak vyrvi s Victor? Sorry ako sa pitali veche murzi me

Ами..как да върви. Повече сигурно няма да се съберем и мда :33

sooooo не ми стигна мястото ;д

‘’I love you,’’ was all he said. I was lost. I was so lost... I didn’t know whether it was another cruel lie or he really felt this way. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stayed like this for a while.
the end xDDD
Liked by: Б.♡ Serendipity

q dai n6 deto si napisala

Ето нещо което написах вчера :33
When I walked into the room he was standing by the window. I hadn’t seen him in a while. He seemed so different. He had become taller. His dark hair was covering his face. When he heard me enter the room he turned to me. His eyes met mine. Those beautiful cold blue eyes. He looked like a beast locked inside a human body.
‘’What are you doing here?’’ I asked. He didn’t answer right away. Instead he stepped towards me. He stood only a few centimetres away from me. I could feel his breath. It smelled like cigarettes. I loved that smell. His lips slowly reached mine.
‘’I wanted to see you,’’ he said. Without saying anything else he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. It was the most passionate kiss I have ever had. His lips were cold and wet. He gently licked my lower lip and then bit it. Then he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced a dance full of passion. After a while the kiss ended. My knees were shaking and I couldn’t stand anymore, so I sat on the ground.
‘’Don’t think you can just come back and kiss me like nothing ever happened.’’
I didn’t understand a thing. After that demon threw me away like an old broken toy why did he come back? He was just as cold as before...then why? Why was he doing this? What did he want from me? I kept asking myself all this. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would burst out of my chest. My sight became blurry. Tears formed in my eyes. I didn’t want him to see me like this...to think I’m still in love with him. I didn’t want him to think he could come back to me again. I closed my eyes trying to keep the tears inside. I heard him move and suddenly I felt his warm breath on my forehead and his cold hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes just to see his staring right into my soul. The tears fell down my cheeks. He wiped my tears away gently with these three words...’’I’m sorry.’’
Even though I wanted to hear him say that all this time I didn’t feel better. I couldn’t stop crying so he just held me in his arms.
‘’Even if you say that it doesn’t change a thing. It doesn’t make me forget all these hurtful words you said. It doesn’t make me feel better. It doesn’t put a smile on my face. It just makes things worse.’’
There was so much I wanted to say but I didn’t know how to say it. I didn’t know which words to choose. I wanted to believe he was truly sorry but somehow I knew he wasn’t. He just wanted a person he can come back to anytime, no matter what he does or how much he hurts them. But I didn’t want to be this person. I didn’t want him to play with my feelings again. But still...I couldn’t say that out loud. I couldn’t tell him how I really felt. He kissed me slowly. It was a kiss filled with affection and...sadness, regret, pain. I could feel all these emotions in it. Then I felt something wet and very warm on his lips. A single tear had come out of his cold heart.
‘’I love you,’’ was all he said. I was lost. I was so lost... I didn’t know whethe

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Сън, който не можеш да забравиш?

Оооо имаше един мега як хДД Даже съм си го записала накратко. Маааааалко е странен и го сънувах като за пръв път гледах Silent Hill.
I was on my laptop when suddenly I found a weird document. I opened it. It was about me. I swear I've never seen it.. It suddenly appeared. As I read it I couldn't help looking at one single word. ''Pregnant''. Then I remembered how sick I was feeling recently. I wasn't talking to my parents but I called my sister and showed it to her. I told her that I've never had sex so there was no way for this to happen. In one short moment everything around us became dark. I looked at the window only to see a dark grey sky with a red moon and red clouds. It started raining. The rain was grey as well.The window was open. I told my dad to close it but he didn't listen to me. A hand showed up and then a girl came into the house. She was a little one with a red dress and black/grey hair..but..her skin was grey too. I looked around and took a katana. She disappeared only from one big cut. I thought she was the only one but I soon realized that I was wrong. A girl who looked just like her opened the door of the room we were in. I took her down as well. After that many others came. It was weird and I was scared. Suddenly a different girl came..a girl with blue hair and a blue dress. She seemed alive..kinda. She told me that the same thing had happened to her before. The weird girl also explained to me how she was pregnant and gave birth to black eggs with white bugs inside of them. I was terrified. I felt that I could hardly breathe. I saw another girl like her..both of them told me that this happened when I read the book my mom brought me from the library. I don't really remember the cover..I think it was grey with red but I'm not sure. Then everything ended. I looked around and realized that I was in my bed. It was all a dream..But I had the feeling that I've seen everything before...
Sorry for my English btw. It may suck a little xD Иначе си имам даже и дата записана - 26.08.2012.

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Кой беше първият човек,който добави в приятели,когато си направи аска?

Ох не знам..беше преди много време и мда..не си спомням

Здравей :) Каква е идеалната закуска според теб ?

Ох не знам...сигурно палачинки с течен шоколад и банан/праскови <3

Имаш ли любим мюзикъл,кой е той?

Гледала съм много малко, но бих казала ''Брилянтин''.

днес как си ?

Не знам и аз...нещо средно между адски гадно и 'бивам' ;д

Име: Прякор: Цвят На Очите: Стил на косата: Цвят На Косата в момента: Натурален Цвят На Косата: псувате ли: пушите ли: Любима напитка: Слушате ли чалга: Любим стил музика: Любима Марка Автомобил:

ЕГН не искаш ли?
Liked by: Captain Lambev


Language: English