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Hello. What have you always wanted? Did you ever get it? - Thank you for answer. Have a nice day/night.

haughtysenpai’s Profile Photobluebird
What I want..?
A happy ending of this fucked up life!! -.-'
It's not like I already have it but I believe that everything that happen is on purpose whether it is smth good or bad and everything will work out in the end!! ^^
Liked by: Ale Picoş

What means love to you?

haughtysenpai’s Profile Photobluebird
For me, love means care. I love my family, my friends, my squad, which I'm everyday with. I want them to be alright and happy cuz it hurts to the core when I see someone in pain. I want to help them when they have problems, I want to be their support, their strength, somebody they can rely on BECAUSE YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING AND I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH !!! ♥♡♥ ^-^ >////<

cats,dogs or rabbits?~

pinkie_pie_princess’s Profile Photo智子ちゃん ♡
i have a pet - cat . They are so fluffy and cute >/////< <3 But i like dogs more than cats and the reasons why are because it's true when people say 'dogs are people's best friends' cuz they can feel your pain and they come to you so that you can hug them tight and calm down and you can talk to them when you feel like speaking your mind, you can play with them. They literally could be your...everything! <3 <3 ^^

have you got anime crush? /(≧ x ≦)\

pinkie_pie_princess’s Profile Photo智子ちゃん ♡
Although it's not only one, my real love is Usui Takumi <3 <3 @///@ *^*
2. Tomoe (Kamisama Hajimemashita)
3. Mabuchi Kou (Ao Haru Ride)
4. Sebastian ( Black Butler)
5. Allen Walker ( D. Gray - man)
6. Edward Elric ( Fullmetal Alchemist) (Personally, I prefer his grown-up form best - at the end of FMA:Brotherhood)
7. Haruka (Free! )


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